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How are most people interpreting reality?

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Do most people feel completely mind fucked by reality itself or does it not even cross their mind? Sometimes I'll just be walking around my apartment and then have to stop and feel the need to look around or at an object. And just wonder what the hell is going on or how this object is even being perceived by me. At times it can feel super overwhelming just taking in the vastness of what is happening in this moment. It can even make me feel like I'm going insane sometimes. 

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"Most people are asleep with barely enough attention not to bump into things" I believe is a quote by Eckhart Tolle ;)

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@impulse9 I guess I could see that. Who has time to question the fabric of the illusion of your coffee table when you don’t know if you can pay the electric bill or why the guy you like left you on read xD

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