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Hallucination all the way down

2 posts in this topic

Time is hallucination, space is hallucination, momentum is hallucination, law of attraction is hallucination, hallucination is hallucination, physical body is hallucination, history is hallucination, other is hallucination, biology is hallucination, chemistry is hallucination, physics is hallucination, sociology is hallucination, i am hallucination, you are hallucination, objects are hallucination, mathematics is hallucination, logic is hallucination, thought is hallucination, mind is hallucination, evolution is hallucination, religion is hallucination, politics is hallucination, layer is hallucination, society is hallucination, world is hallucination, sun is hallucination, universe is hallucination, multiverse is hallucination, omniverse is hallucination, infinity is hallucination, god is hallucination, belief is hallucination, opinion is hallucination, knowledge is hallucination, continuity is hallucination, detail is hallucination, neighbor is hallucination, building is hallucination, apartment is hallucination, conversation is hallucination, sharing is hallucination, money is hallucination, sickness is hallucination, fakeness is hallucination, creation is hallucination, meaning is hallucination, goodness is hallucination, badness is hallucination, perception is hallucination, truth is hallucination, love is hallucination, psychedelics is hallucination, arguing is hallucination, imagination is hallucination, business is hallucination, family is hallucination, need is hallucination, language is hallucination, talent is hallucination, ability is hallucination, intelligence is hallucination, information is hallucination, culture is hallucination, parent is hallucination, book is hallucination, video is hallucination, lsd is hallucination, dmt is hallucination, mushroom is hallucination, this is hallucination, that is hallucination, form is hallucination. 

Edited by Vibroverse

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