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Thanks to Leo for referencing the "How to be funny" video

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In the last video Leo referenced the "how to be funny" video about developing a sense of humor.

For me it was one of those titles that I won't click on. Sure, I like a good laugh but it seems like a low priority, "light", "not serious" topic not worth a good contemplation. There are so many videos out there and only so much time, so you have to prioritize. 

I got really hooked after the last video's reference to it, made clear to me that I overlooked something very fundamental and vital. So I watched it and did the 10 minute string-together sentences exercise. It was hard at first but very soon I started having fun and after finishing I kept laughing so hard my stomach hurt. I didn't laugh like that for a very long time. 

I hope it will help with my crippling social anxiety and awkwardness situation. I've been losing hope lately, starting to accept that maybe that's what it is for me. It's an insufferable way to live life.

So just wanted to share that...


Some of you may be cringed out by the specific joke examples he used in that video, I read some comments. Jokes are very context sensitive, you'd laugh at things you wouldn't believe if you'd be in the right situation. The core principle and advice is super solid. 

This also ties well together with the "clickbait titles" video from the blog... "how to be funny" has the assumption that I know the value of being funny. 

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Must have watched it at least 10 times. Very important skill.


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