Samuel Garcia

Seeing Optical Illusions Objectively

3 posts in this topic

There may have been a similar topic before hand but I couldn't find it. My question is how does one see optical illusions like this one for what they are? Because once I have the thought 'this looks similar to a duck', I see it in a distorted way -- as the image is to me. Then I try to look at it with no thought but still see 'a duck'. Then someone mentions it is a hare, then I see the hare. Then I try to look at it objectively, yet I either see a duck one second or see a hare and keep switching between the two.

So in everyday life, will I always recognize people and objects in a particular way despite trying to have no judgement? -- because the judgement remains and distorts the reality.6c550c251a6fa4a15acc5a3890081b6e

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10 hours ago, Samuel Garcia said:

My question is how does one see optical illusions like this one for what they are?

The same way you see everything for what it really is, drop. the. concepts.

[insert quote here]

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@Samuel Garcia  Attaining new levels of consciousness or mindfulness is the key.

This requires a consistent mindfulness practice.

That duck/rabbit will look totally different when you hit a new level of consciousness. You've yet to see it for what it really is.

Not only does judgment distort reality, your entire current level of (low) conscious distorts reality.

If you're serious, start building the practices.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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