
Back To Basics.

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Hey there people of I have a big dilema.

So I've started personal development 2 /3 years ago,started hard and heavy and gained some great results even a glimpse into enlightenment. But a lately in the past 4 5 mounts I lost almost all of the willpower and positive energy and started becoming really lazy, I quited gym and meditation in the last month, I don't know how to get back on track!

If some of you guys experienced backsliding it would be of great help sharing your story with me because no video can help me to get motivated and moving. Is it just a matter of time? Is it normal? 

Thank you very much :)

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Backslides can be a real shock emotionally. I've had backslides like this before and I know how it feels - the thought of once being in a better position that currently feel unreachable can feel crushing

Don't worry.

The key is to build up the momentum again and as you said; go back to basics.

Imagine this: a heavy stationary lorry beginning to accelerate. At first it will be painstakingly slow. However, it will eventually reach a fast speed at which it cannot be stopped by obstacles. Use this idea of momentum and apply it to yourself. 

Work on aspects of your life by taking small steps. This is crucial. It's tempting to take huge leaps and think you can reach your goals more quickly.. but the reality is that it won't last. Things that happen quickly are easy to fuck up fall apart.

Take it slow and solid. 

For instance, decide to meditate for a minute at so and so time of day and you've taken the first move to getting back your meditation. You can do a minute of meditation, right? Easy

Pick a goal then incrementally begin to step it up. Slowly!


E.g. I want to have a sustainable meditation schedule of 60 mins a day within 10 days.

Day 1 - 1 mins 

Day 2 -  2 mins

Day 3 -  5 mins

Day 4 - 10 mins

Day 5 - 15 mins

Day 6 - 20 mins

Day 7 - 30 mins

Day 8 - 40 mins

Day 9 - 50 mins

Day 10 - 60 mins


I reckon that choosing 3 aspects of your life to work on at one time is ideal as it's manageable, productive and isn't too overwhelming.

You could be back to your normal self (or greater ;)) in no time! And this time you'll be like a hurtling unstoppable lorry.


Nothing can stop you. B|




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If you are backsliding like that, try to think about what let up to the backsliding. What is the root cause? My projection is that either you have been pushing yourself too hard and as a result, you disengage from important habits or you are not balancing your life effectively. Maybe you are too involved in personal development and neglected other parts of your life that seemingly are important.

My claim is that it is okay to take a break if you feel the need to; just make sure you come back to PD and create a strategy that keeps you on track for the future. Maybe that means getting more sleep, baby stepping your journey rather than maximizing. 

But these are just my ideas :) 

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Infact at the beginning I skyrocketed and built the momentum instantaneously, after 2 years I ran out of steam in a slow rate. right now I'm trying to start slowly but surely again. thank you guys for the help, I'll try implementing the meditation habit that way and start focusing on a few things at a time so that I don't get overwhelmed. Damn personal development is hard work but worth it 100%

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@AlexB That's why it's a good idea to have at least 1 or 2 no-exceptions habits.

If you embodied what I told you from the very beginning with meditation -- make a commitment to meditate every day no matter what for the rest of your life -- then things would go a lot easier for ya.

Ironically, a 100% commitment is less painful and easier than the way you're currently doing it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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As Leo said this week’s video, it is good to have confusion. You developed, now it is time to start moving one step forward. Everyone is not similar. Each one of us is different in one or the other way. Personal development videos or books only generalize, but you should find your way. It is authenticity. Maybe you have some other problems, priorities or wishes etc. For example me, I like to go gym but I am not fond of meditation. Other guy is a sportsman, he works out every day. Another one hates sports, he is overweight and has an unhealthy lifestyle; but he is one of the best musician in the world. be more intuitive

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