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Implementation Of Journalling In My Life Purpose

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My Life purpose is self actualization . It means creating the best possible self, to rise to your highest potential.

Not finding your lifepurpose creating it .(i came across a similar quote on freeletics website... it was like you don't find yourself you create yourself and there was this athlete with his awesome ripped body.)

but i started this new thing its called the 15 min journal before sleeping i journal about how my next day would be if it had to be an ideal day for me...I learnt this technique from Mia Rivel (she is a Life coach) 

let me try this for at least three months and see what wonders it can work.... the 15 min journal is an idea in one of the products of brain garage(you tube channel) i wonder what that might be ... i will ask him and see maybe he gives the key sentences or something like that...

i also made another book for leos worksheets i'm planning to write it neately with dates and all,and go through them every week or maybe read it after the 15 min journallist. i will also keep you posted about how well this type of journalling helps... 

I will also let you guys know about this technique.

by the way my fellow self actualizes i'm in homeostasis come and give me some love and compassion like a good support system thanks :-) ;-)  

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It's hard for me to see anything getting accomplished without journaling everyday. It's not just about next day things, or plans, I put EVERYTHING in my journal. strategies, things I contemplate, what I want to accomplish, things I need to learn, skills I need to develop, practical action steps, note taking of principles, mindsets, even practical knowledge like how cars work. Everything goes in my journal. It's kind interesting to see how Leo hasn't really covered how important journaling is. It's definitely a foundational thing. 

Memento Mori

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''Penmanship is the technique of writing with the hand using a writing instrument'' - wiki

Very healthy for your brain and there are many other benefits. It is taking your handwriting a bit more serious ;-).

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