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lsd Q's

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taking my first lsd medium dose


okay my question for anyone who wants to help is


is there a comedown to this ting or does it matter how much of it you take

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Takes 8-12 hours after intake. You might have struggle to sleep afterwards, so take it as early as possible. Meditate beforehand to be calmed when you enter the trip. 

There a plenty of guides how to prepare properly. Preparation is important. 

Make sure to save the day afterwards for reflection and Integration. 

Good trip:)

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@levani It can be much longer than 8 to 12 hours on a heavier dose. I was not sober for 24 hours after dropping 6 tabs.

The comedown is so gradual as to not really be very noticeable. Usually it's like you will eventually be able to fall asleep and when you wake you're sober again.

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@RMQualtrough Interesting. I once had a trip with about 5,5 tabs and was fairly sober after 5 hours. There is always this point of fully surrendering when the "trippiness" eliminates itself. Then i just be in peace and silence.

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