Live Life Liam

The Craving For Truth!! I May Have To Leave My Life.

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This is an important topic so please could anyone reply to this as soon as possible.

I've essentially been doing conciousness work for a while now and the further I go the more I crave to get rid of further delusion and discover the ultimate truth. I feel like I will have to take huge risks in the process and possibly hurt loved ones such as my girlfriend since I have just recently had a discussion with her about this.

We are clearly going to take different paths since I at willing to go extremely unconventional in terms of every choice I make to find it so I will also maybe have to leave her as well as many other things. it's a major intuition so I am just wondering if anyone has any ideas that might help this situation out.

Also nearly every intuition of mine is a direct rebelling against societal norms.

There are two sides to this coin and every choice has a consequence but I just want to make sure this is a rational thing to do.

Would appreciate any comment :) cheers

Edited by Live Life Liam

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@Live Life Liam I'd ask myself two questions. Where do I want to be in ten years? And in ten years will still want the same? Step back and take a look at the bigger picture in a none attached way from the outside. If you decide that is the way to go, flow in that direction. Move slowly but with intention.

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Be smart and think long term. Are you actually capable of sustaining the thing your intuition wants you to do in the long run? In other words, are you ready for the change? Be serious here, this is your life and you need to make strategic decisions that support you. Maybe it is the right move, maybe not. Depends on what your personal values are and how it fits together with the big picture of your life, but also your level of maturity. There are many subtle factors here so stay vigilant and trust your higher emotions. The only person who can really know the answer is you yourself.

All the best!

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57 minutes ago, Live Life Liam said:

This is an important topic so please could anyone reply to this as soon as possible.

I've essentially been doing conciousness work for a while now and the further I go the more I crave to get rid of further delusion and discover the ultimate truth. I feel like I will have to take huge risks in the process and possibly hurt loved ones such as my girlfriend since I have just recently had a discussion with her about this.

We are clearly going to take different paths since I at willing to go extremely unconventional in terms of every choice I make to find it so I will also maybe have to leave her as well as many other things. it's a major intuition so I am just wondering if anyone has any ideas that might help this situation out.

Also nearly every intuition of mine is a direct rebelling against societal norms.

There are two sides to this coin and every choice has a consequence but I just want to make sure this is a rational thing to do.

Would appreciate any comment :) cheers

I would be careful with this. This post, to me, has the feeling of self deception. Now, I'm on the outside looking in and I'm not aware of your situation. I can only relate to my own self and this sounds like my self deceptions. So, I don't know if I'm correct in this feeling. But my recommendation is to look at your reason for rebelling against societal norms. Check to see if it's a rationalization.

Go through and answer these questions below, to yourself in a brutally honest way. First, adopt the mindset "I don't have to be a good person" for this inquiry. Because the desire to be a good person and see yourself as a good person can distort your lens.

Do you ever congratulate yourself for being against the grain of society? Do you ever imagine other people perceiving you in this way and/or imagine people that you admire approving of you for it? Is there an imagined audience for this behavior or some kind of redemption involved? Do you ever feel like it makes you more interesting or valuable?

When it comes to going down different paths from your partner, is it really because they're going in a different direction? Or is it just because the emotions are not there? Or is it because you don't want to be tied down so young?

Do you fancy yourself a rational person? Does this mean anything about your worth as a person? How would you feel if someone perceived you as irrational?

Again, I could be totally off-base in my interpretation of your post, and I apologize if I am. But I think becoming aware of what you really want and why you want it, even if it doesn't fit nicely with your self-image, will help you become more clear and wise in your decisions for your future. 


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16 minutes ago, Emerald Wilkins said:

I would be careful with this. This post, to me, has the feeling of self deception. Now, I'm on the outside looking in and I'm not aware of your situation. I can only relate to my own self and this sounds like my self deceptions. So, I don't know if I'm correct in this feeling. But my recommendation is to look at your reason for rebelling against societal norms. Check to see if it's a rationalization.

Go through and answer these questions below, to yourself in a brutally honest way. First, adopt the mindset "I don't have to be a good person" for this inquiry. Because the desire to be a good person and see yourself as a good person can distort your lens.

Do you ever congratulate yourself for being against the grain of society? Do you ever imagine other people perceiving you in this way and/or imagine people that you admire approving of you for it? Is there an imagined audience for this behavior or some kind of redemption involved? Do you ever feel like it makes you more interesting or valuable?

When it comes to going down different paths from your partner, is it really because they're going in a different direction? Or is it just because the emotions are not there? Or is it because you don't want to be tied down so young?

Do you fancy yourself a rational person? Does this mean anything about your worth as a person? How would you feel if someone perceived you as irrational?

Again, I could be totally off-base in my interpretation of your post, and I apologize if I am. But I think becoming aware of what you really want and why you want it, even if it doesn't fit nicely with your self-image, will help you become more clear and wise in your decisions for your future. 


A lot of what you say is something I'm going to question with self inquiry since this is very useful. I can't claim 100% that I have not been deceiving myself with some of the ideas in my subconscious.

I notice I love the fact I'm so rebellious to anything that's considered mainstream so I definitely need to look into this more. I think my mind likes to validate it's self by standing out and not being like my parents or family especially since they live traditional lives and maybe trauma made me dismiss anything like that. 

Maybe it's a little bit of the catalyst for getting involved in spiritual edeavours but again can't make a claim until I investigate.

I have a rejection for anything judgemental or shallow in my mind also and I think I have an extreme good person complex to work on. Not wanting to hurt my partner whilst also having an attachment to the things I get from the relationship is something I notice within. I also try trick myself into thinking I'm more unconditionalally loving then I am a lot.

Hmm maybe your onto something and I'm denying something inside because of these beliefs .

My mind is very paradoxical with these matters. I both like and dislike rationality. I notice my distaste for the way western society is obsessed with the rational mindset so I guess that is linked to the rebellious nature to boost my self worth. 

I think the hard part with finding out what you want and don't want is kind of worrying in the back of your mind which is genuine desire or not.

This is seriously so helpful thank you for this advice I'll work on it and update what I find out.

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