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Awareness Alone Is Curative- The Guide To All All Change?

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Is it a good idea to basically use this principal alone to create all change in your life? I do find it very hard to be constantly aware but possibly even harder to face fear by taking action. Can one just overindulge in unhealthy behavior (even if not addicted to said behavior) consciously to the point that they would never do it again and in fact would use their awareness of the unhealthy behavior to fuel positive actions acting opposite of  behavior. Is it worth it to "purposefully" fail so one can consciously experience this to the point they would never fail in that aspect again? 

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9 minutes ago, UpperClassWhiteBoy said:

Is it a good idea to basically use this principal alone to create all change in your life?

Yes and no. I do mainly use this principle in my work because it correlates with the Taoist way of life and the way Zen does its thing and I follow both because they are highly effective. So yes, enough awareness curates most shit out of your system over time, however you can at some point consciously decide what you want to change because you are so aware of the negative behavior that you can just drop it w/o much battle. So, let awareness wash you clean automatically and then take it to polish certain qualities of yours if you want to. It's fun.

13 minutes ago, UpperClassWhiteBoy said:

Can one just overindulge in unhealthy behavior (even if not addicted to said behavior) consciously to the point that they would never do it again and in fact would use their awareness of the unhealthy behavior to fuel positive actions acting opposite of  behavior.

You cannot ever indulge consciously in unhealthy behavior. That's why awareness kills it off. When you do something unhealthy willingly and consciously you must've interpreted it as something healthy, otherwise you couldn't do it. Awareness wouldn't allow it. Take suicide as the most extreme example: You simply cannot kill yourself until you've constructed your reality in such a way that it is seen as the savior, as a healthy action to stop your misery.

18 minutes ago, UpperClassWhiteBoy said:

Is it worth it to "purposefully" fail so one can consciously experience this to the point they would never fail in that aspect again? 

No, that's stupid and doesn't trigger learning. Learning is triggered when you try something (that you really wanna accomplish) and then you fail. And then you fail again. And then you win. And then you fail again. In this process your neurons are actually weighting themselves to get the wanted behavior going. That's why at some point everything seems easy. So just keep doing your thing, you'll fail many times along the way, I'll promise. :P

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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So lets say someones a procrastinator. They shouldn't just procrastinate with awareness until enough pain is triggered (through failure and emotional trauma) that they stop permanently but instead should try to actively build their work ethic and thereby become aware during this process of the fulfillment of flow states of working thereby ending the previous habit of procrastination.  

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I guess I feel like I can build up enough awareness over time to just become aware of my unhealthy habits, instead of trying to instill new habits. 

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@UpperClassWhiteBoy Doing both is really what's needed for serious results: awareness + habits/action.

Awareness feeds habits. And habits feed awareness.

If you only focus on one or the other, you'll get much less than you would otherwise.

1+1=11 in this case.

There are MANY very practical action steps you can take to catalyze and grow awareness. That's what all real spiritual paths are basically about: practical methods for creating massive levels of awareness rapidly.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Sometimes I doubt that awareness is curative. But that happens when I'm not aware, when I haven't been meditating seriously. It's crazy how I am--with virtually no effort--dropping so many habits & gaining so many positive ones.


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