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Questions About My Meditation Routine

4 posts in this topic

Hello guys,

after trying out different techniques such as do-nothing and leos guided meditation, i found one that works by far the best for me.

And that is simple focused attention meditation.Just focusing on a single body sensation or sound and trying to stay as focused as possible.

I guess thats pretty much the simplest form of meditation and now, after just one month im already seeing great results.

Now here are some questions tho:

If i focus on the breath i quickly start to feel like im suffocating.Instead i usually start with focusing on the sensation of my feet touching the floor.After that i switch to my hands touching each other.And after that i may switch to an external sound.What are your thoughts on this?

I started doing this with repeatedly noting "touch" "feel" or " hear", but now i often get much more calm without the noting.Im not sure if i should stick with it?

Do you have any general tips on how to set up my routine?Right now im doing 20 min in the morning and 20 in the evening.

Thanks in advance!

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I prefer and do the do nothing, dont you think is better dont focus in anything?

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39 minutes ago, retardedhorse1 said:

Do you have any general tips on how to set up my routine?Right now im doing 20 min in the morning and 20 in the evening.

Every person is unique, you have to find your own routine. A meditator should live moment to moment spontaneously, not according to some stiff routine, out of his awareness. 

You can learn meditation for twenty minutes or forty minutes – learning is one thing – but then you have to carry whatever you have learned day in, day out. You will have to work, earn, do your job and a thousand and one things. Just remain alert whether meditation it is still there inside or it has disappeared. Live meditatively, completely relaxed but alert, aware. 



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There are different stages. I did do nothing straight for 1 years now for about 30-60 minutes now that i recently started meditating for 2-3 hours a day i feel like it is not enough i try to mix techniques and finally start doing some deeper mindfullness.
But the best is really strong determination sitting just had a 2 hour session it is amazing my brain is buzzing like crazy to this moment but it  just means change and change is good!

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