
Eletric "rock and roll" kind of energy

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So, the last two years were really awesome to me -  great evolution, shadow work everyday, haha! In this time i have been in touch with so many "types" of energy... And i can´t really explain it, hhahaha (some of those i can actualy...).

There is this amazing energy that feels like the sun, there is female/male energy, etc...

But there is this energy that feels like eletricity and rock and roll kkkkkkk, that's the only way i can explain it. And i really love being in touch with it, any ideias of what could it be ? HAHAHAHAH

I have been in touch with the energy of love, gratitude, etc... but this one is the one that i most like, and i can't figure it out... hahahahah

For the ones in the path of the occult -  do you guys now any deities with that kind of energy ?

Thank you, guys :) Sorry for my bad english, not my first language :)

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Would you describe it like radiating joy with a hint of aggressiveness?


The road to God is paved with bliss.

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@martins name Yeah! Exactly :) But it's not agressive to a bad extent, it' s like this "yeahh let's fucking do it, grrr" hahahah

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@Fkdel hahaha I know what you mean. It's the manipura chakra. Try infusing that energy with love. That energy in its purest form is joyful, powerful generosity towards yourself and others. Subtle aggression is a subtle contraction in the manipura chakra. What you really seek is joy and loving power. There is a kernel of true joy and power in aggression which is why we like it but we can dispense of the aggression and keep the power.I

As we develop a chakra it goes from inactive to contracted and active to open and active. A chakra is on the spectrum between these three states. Your manipura chakra is obviously close to completely open and active but it's not all the way. The inactive version of manipura chakra is submissive, powerless and has victim complex. The contracted and active version of manipura is aggression. Active and open manipura is pure radiating joy and generous power. This energy is sun energy, that's why fire is the element of manipura, the sun is made of fire.

I don't judge subtle aggression(I use the word aggression very lightly, but i think you know what I mean), it's a powerful energy. I'm not saying that you should get rid of it because it's bad. I'm just inviting you to get what is so awesome about it and pursue the awesomeness in its purest form. For the sake of happiness, joy and love


Try doing this meditation:

  1. Assume a gentle smile.
  2. Breathing deeply. On the out-breath, feel this love-infused, joyful, generous power radiate from your gut/navel area/manipura chakra location out into every direction.
  3. Hold the out-breath for a little while
  4. Imagine a beautiful, powerful sun i your gut, radiating beautiful, warm, nurturing, blindingly bright light.
  5. Feel it nourishing you.
  6. Then everyone in the universe equally, like the sun nourishes all life on earth. Even alien life looks up into the night sky and become mesmerized by the distant sight of our sun.
  7. Feel your loving breath stoking the fire of your sun like a flame needs oxygen. 
  8. Feel the humor of the life, laugh it up, heal the world with the sound of bubbling joy. 
  9. Feel the uter perfection of the world. Feel completely at peace.
  10. Continue step 2, 3 and 4 while keeping your sense of peace. Do it for as long as you like, i recommend 30 minutes. 
  11.  You can experiment with placing the sun in the middle of your head and radiating joy from there. This simultaneously opens the third eye chakra. It will feel absolutely blissful.

If you try the meditation then do tell me how it goes. I'm curious. Good luck!:D

Edited by martins name

The road to God is paved with bliss.

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@martins name Thank you so much, man!! Gonna try :)

Thank you for the explanation and for your time and love, man!

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@Fkdel @Fkdel Has the meditation worked for you? I want to refine the technique would love input. 

I should also mention that if you want to go deeper into the manipura chakra and this kind of energy I recommend the book The Bliss of Inner Fire.

The road to God is paved with bliss.

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@martins name Hey, man! The breathing part really worked for me... i suck at visualization, so i can't really see the sun.

But i attained to get in that state by the breathing + Trying to "remember" what that kind of energy feels like... Maybe music can help in my case! And a couple days of seminal retention really helps with the "anger" part of it!


the visualization should really work for people who can do it... Do you have any advice on visualization ?

Definetely gonna read the book!! Rock on B|

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@Fkdel visualization is a bit of a misnomer. You can't really see it, rather you think it/feel it. I wrote a post about it:


So let your intuition guide you, whatever generates joyful, powerful energy is the right technique. Feel the sun like a summer day, feel its brightness and vitality. 

Remembering the feeling good I'll add that to the technique.

The technique is supposed to transcend the anger. Ask your anger what its purpose is or what it's trying to become. Its answer should be something like it's trying to break free into powerful joy. So feel the anger and then go into it to the joy at its core. Joy is in anger like a pearl is in a clam. So it's correct to summon the anger to then dissolve it into joy, but if you are stuck in it then you're not getting the full joy of the technique. And to the extant that you have the anger the energy will be incomparable with love. I should have emphasized it more that you want to infuse the power with love, which is connected to the breath and the air element. And when you do that the anger turns into universal generosity.

Does this make sense?

And do you do and general energetic practice?

You might also be interested in opening the second chakra:

Edited by martins name

The road to God is paved with bliss.

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No, my practices at this time are breath work and lot's of shadow work/meditation. If you could recomend energy practices i would be really thankfull.

Going to read those two threads :)

And thank you again for your time :D

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I recommend learning to open the first 6 chakras with similar techniques to the once I've shared. For the first chakra you should get a sense of comfort and grounding also tap into the earth element/the solidity of your body and the world around you. Also infuse it with love.

For the heart chakra you should get a sense of love, start with this chakra as it contributes to the opening of the rest.

To open the throats chakra is a bit life doing talk therapy. Say for yourself aloud or silently the things that you hold back. I feel... I want... Rest your attention on your throat. Keep going until you've purified repressed emotions. When that is done notice how you naturally want to express appropriation and gratitude. So you might start expressing negative feelings you feel towards yourself, your life situation or someone. When you have expressed the negative stuff you will naturally want to express what you like about the person.

For ajna chakra you should feel present and blissful.

Read Tara Springett's Enlightenment through the Path of Kundalini for general instructions on opening chakras. Read her book Healing Kundalini Syndrome to learn how to deal with side effects of energy work. As we increase our systems prana/energy/chi our chakra dysfunctions can manifest in noticable ways like head pressure or lethargy. It's fixed by fixing the root dysfunction. Head pressure is based by self-deception and narcissism for example. This is not dangerous and it's nothing to be afraid of it just give you a kick in the ass to fix your chakra dysfunctions.

Also read SantataGamana's real yoga series (5books) to learn how to do kriya yoga.

If you have trubbel feeling energy in a chakra you can do SantataGamana's Kriya Supreme Fire, found in Kundalini Exposed, on the chakra to fill it with energy. Disclaimer: this technique can increase your prana and thus manifest chakra dysfunctions as described previously. 


Once you've become proficient opening your chakras put it all together into this pranayama:


Pranayama Instructions

This technique comes from Mukherjee from but he is terrible at explaining the technique. It's the one SantataGamana modified to his own. It requires the ability to feel or have a sense of the first 6 chakras. 

  • Gently point your eyes towards the 3rd eye.
  •  Do kechari mudra if you can. (Advanced kriyabans have stretched out their tongue to be able to put it up the nasal cavity which stills the mind) If not, do baby kechari: touch the soft palate of the mouth roof with the tip of the tongue.
  • Gently do ujjayi breathing. (Google it)
  • On the in-breath, bring up the memory of the 1st chakra in kutastha (middle of the 6th chakra/middle of head).
  • Mentally chant OM in the 6th chakra to open the remembered chakra. The chant should create a felt vibration in the head, just like you were chanting om out loud. Then you should get a sense of comfort in your head as the 1st chakra opens in your head.
  • Repeat for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th chakra and lastly chant OM in the 6th chakra alone. This should all be done during the in breath, as a total of 6 OMs.
  • During the out breath repeat but go down instead of up.


If doing a total of 12 OMs during one breath requires effort you can do one chakra per breath with 2 long OMs, one per in and one per out breath. Go up and down the chakras like this.


All chakras are reflected in the 6th chakra, that's why they can be opened in it. To feel a chakra in the 6th chakra you can start by feeling it in it's location, then replicate the same feeling in the middle of your head. After a while you will be able to bring up a chakra in kutastha just by remembering it, with no need to divert your attention from kutastha. When chanting OM, you should get a feeling of bliss in your head. You should feel comfort, pleasure, joy and love for the first 4 chakras respectively and a sense of purification for the 5th chakra. At the same time you should feel still and at peace. 

The point of opening the chakras in the 6th chakra is to open both chakras at once and to collect the prana in the 6th chakra to enter into a state of witnessing. It should make you very present.


Once you can do the pranayama combine it with the rest of SantataGamana's kriya yoga but swap his pranayama for this one. This is the pranayama that he bases his own pranayama on and it's more powerful. Trust me. 

Also read Enio Nimmis book Krita Yoga: Synthesis of a Personal Experience for better instructions on how to do the mahamudra technique.

Kriya yoga techniques complements each other to form a balanced and powerful energy work regimen. 

The point of doing energy work and kriya is to enter into a blissful state. Once you have done that you will just want to sit and bask in that bliss. This will then lead you to enlightenment. The read to God is paved with bliss.


The road to God is paved with bliss.

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@martins name Thank you, man!! I started reading "wheels of life" you recomended on the other topic :)

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@Fkdel you're welcome:)

It's a good book. However the book missunderstands the 6th and 7th chakra in my opinion. Skip over those chapters. I don't know if I should recommend the book anymore but it has great chapters on the lower chakras. It also doesn't give good techniques for chakra opening. I hadn't read the whole book when I recommend it.:S


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I use music in my practice and do occult work.  This is what I do.  In general, I am naturally always moving, I have a rocking chair that when I am doing work I like to sit in because it helps me think and I listen to music then.

I like to choose things that speak to my heart and soul, or whatever emotion I might be facing or if there is a truth that I can't handle that maybe the song can embody for me, to help bring that energy out.  I play the song in between reading about certain concepts or watching videos, because the lyrics or the music videos can add an emotional component, or even a download at times.

When using music energetically, it has to be at the right time, and it is intuitively felt.  I have wooden floors and some decent computer speakers.  I put them on the wooden floor and play them at the highest volume - I lay down on my back, and breath and feel into the vibration as well as the song and let it take me over completely.  If the energy needs to be transmuted or if I am trying to bring something into my world then I well sit up, and gently move my hands around the outer circle of my energetic space and feel for where it seems to break through the easiest and I concentrate on that spot, and will move my hips occasionally, just to get into the body, into myself as much as possible.

When it feels like it is "time" to do this work, I am bound to having to do it for often days, sometimes weeks at a time in order to get all of the information.  So generally I don't do this very often, it is of shamanic journeying in nature, energetically, it is quite draining - if you are interested in using music in your work, be sure that you not only have the extra time to commit to gathering whatever information that you are given but that you have the energy to do this.  You will need to have some sort of intuitive understanding and feel for where energy is in your environment.

Your intentions while doing this mean a lot - much more than I had anticipated, so make sure that if you are using this to manifest that you do so responsibly.

I would look into how different shamans from different cultures use music and rhythm to get into states as well.
They call the rythme a sonic driver, and the state you want to be in is called the hollow bone.  You become a vessel.

Only those who have had visions of the thunder beings of the west can act as heyokas. They have sacred power and they share some of this with all the people, but they do it through funny actions. When a vision comes from the thunder beings of the West, it comes with terror like a thunder storm; but when the storm of vision has passed, the world is greener and happier; for wherever the truth of vision comes upon the world, it is like a rain. The world, you see, is happier after the terror of the storm.

— Black Elk

Edited by Loba

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