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Jacob Morres


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Leos video on holism hits different 

If you don't have holism it's hard to be effective because you are unaware of many variables. Feels like putting lipstick on a pig 

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because things seem to be interconnected, sometimes the solution isnt solving the thing itself, but something that's next to it

so you are playing bad at video games might prompt you to think to get coaching but really you just need some coffee and a nice diet that will help you play energized and much better 

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"Yes, it will cause problems for humans, and then humans will be forced to adapt and solve those problems. Which is how it's always been for humans. We cause and the solve most of our own problems." - leo G 

We cause and the solve most of our own problems

We cause our own problem

our own problem



Goals right now...


Masters in OW 

3 Good friends


A career that I can really get behind 

Edited by Jacob Morres

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''if you want to transcend something you must understand it and if you want to understand you must go meta.'' - Leo Gura

An example from playing a video game. I wanted to beat people in my skill level. and the way I did it was 

1. The Act: 
Died in game

Going Meta: 

Looking at what contributed to my death in the game 

I died and going meta helped me see the reason of my death

I had a mindset that was to engage their team by myself. However, the result of that caused me to die. They all focused me and killed me at once. I saw that my mindset was shooting myself in the foot. Instead of engaging the team like that it is better to  


From going meta and observing the situation from a birds-eye view, this gave me the needed information to understand what was happening. From here I was able to transcend and develop a new solution.  


To go even more meta I suspect I need to: 

see how my mindset is contributing it. and what mindsets are needed to be high level 

what type of gameplay is required

what kind of communication with the team is required 

Edited by Jacob Morres

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problem with trying to be self-confident is that you're trying to be someone you're not, denying your original self as not good enough to be someone that you feel deserves love and acceptance

instead i propose to be confident in yourself, as you are. good enough as you are. it's an act of self-love 

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hi failure, how do you do?

seems you like me, I like you too

thank you for showing me what doesn't work

thank you for showing me the wrong direction thank you getting me closer to success!

i've learnt to welcome you 

i've unlocked the doors that were covered in chains

finally taking a breath of fresh air

i release the fear of you you are not scary

you are guidance



Edited by Jacob Morres

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Context context context 

information without proper understanding of the factors at play will be inaccurate 

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yes it may have happened to you but how you respond to it is your choice and also your responsibility

you can choose to be a victim to it or respond in a way that will be empowering, beneficial, transformative, and helpful 


between stimulus and response there is a space. and in that space lies your power 


"Some spiritual teachings teach that pain is ultimately an illusion, and that is true. The question is, is it true for you? A mere belief does not make it true. Do you experience pain for the rest of your life and keeping saying that it is an illusion? Does that free you from the pain? What we are concerned with is how you realize this truth - that is make it real in your own experience." - Eckhart Tolle (Practicing the power of now) 

Edited by Jacob Morres

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Systems of personal development: 

Kaizen method

Goal-setting + Visualization 


Difference between Good and Bad personal development

Quality vs Poor quality personal development

Personal development that actually creates results

The 80/20 of personal development

Relevant (individual) personal development 

How much is too much personal development? What's the appropriate amount?


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I just thought of this cool theme. Through chaos, emotional difficulty, pain, challenge... better things are born 

Being wrong is the pathway to being right 

Making mistakes is the pathway to getting better 

Through relational conflict intimacy Is born 

Pain in the muscles when lifting leads to bigger muscles 

trying to learn something new is hard at first but gains u valuable skills later 

Creating a new identity will be very difficult but will lead to a more proserpoerous future 

Digging into your traumas can be scary but leads to better emotional wellbeing 

There is beauty in difficulty. Moving through it leads to something great 

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Bridging theory and practice  

Insight and integration 

Def of intelligence is the ability to acquire and apply knowledge. It's not your IQ, your EQ. At least by Websters definition.. 

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Empathy without boundaries is self destruction 

Empathy with boundaires is compassion 

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Compromising your boundaries to avoid being rejected only leads to a deeper level rejection... you rejecting yourself 

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Bridging insight and creation: 

Deliberate, focused effort


Leo talks about having requisite variety when in an endeavor. it gives you many solutions and options. and having high requisite variety also gives you hope

Brian johnson also talks about this concept by talking about the science of hope. Broken down into 3 steps: 

"First, we need to know that our future can be better than our present reality and we need to have a clear Goal we’re after. (What’s yours?)

Then we need to believe we have the power to make it so. He calls this “Agency.” (How’s yours?)

Finally, you need to be willing to pursue multiple Pathways. You need to KNOW that your first path will almost certainly not be the one that actually leads you to your desired destination. You will face obstacles. You’ve gotta be willing to pursue Plan A to Z (then Plan Aa to Zz!). That’s Step 3.

Edited by Jacob Morres

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