
what do you guys think of my stage yellow spiral dynamics video?

3 posts in this topic

I put a lot of thought into it and used a few of the examples from the forum. Hope you guys enjoy this short video.


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It's a nice video, nicely composed, very well done!

I think the essence of the video is great, it gives good vibes. 

I'm curious about the purpose of it.

Since it's more a Yellow composition than specifically descriptive about spiral dynamics Yellow, I think the spiral dynamics reference doesn't add value to it, maybe even subtracts value from the video as a whole.

Pointing out spiral dynamics in the beginning and in the title in a way shifts focus towards trying to extract the essence of Yellow, and not the perspective of appreciation that is experienced through a Yellow lens.

he video is showing multiple stages phenomena and the video is more the enjoyment and the beauty and appreciation for any stage and perspective, than it is about adding understanding for what stage Yellow is and how it manifests.

I'm not a particular fan of the end, it makes it come out as a bit of a fan-boy work (no offence) but the message of Leo builds nicely onto the video content, adding food for thought that causes you to reflect over the content you just consumed. Despite of that fan-boy aspect, it works well.

Well done ?

Want to connect? Just do it, I assure you I'm just a human being just like you, drop me a PM today. 

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