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Im still doing meditation 20-60minutes a day, and still doing enlightenment work and living more open life, but... I still kinda lack motivation to go longer than 20mins with meditation most of the time. I wanted to go all in with this but can't. Friends, stimulus, everything should be given up? It's too much I guess, I guess im not mature enough to do that yet. Should I just keep on going with meditation and wait until I get some samadhi experiences and get the motivation from that or what? The huge fascination I had in the beginning has faded into *Question -> Shrug shoulders -> realize i dont know shit*. I have hit the boring plateau with little motivation left. Hoping this is temporary while grinding through.

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It's something to be aware of as "not-self".  It's just another object for you to look at, accept and not worry over, because like all things it's just an experience and subject to change.

Twenty minutes a day is fine, as long as you do something meditation wise while you're going through this temporary glitch.  The motivation will rise again, and then fall;)  It's all good, don't worry - you don't stress about thoughts coming and going during a meditation, do you? Well, this is the same, treat it the same way.


And no, it's not about giving anything up, as long as your lifestyle is conducive to contemplation (not creating havoc in your mind) you're good to go.  All the usual things apply, diet, exercise, drama free companions.  The ancient rishis of india had lives, were married, "renunciation" just means your meditation time, and time spent looking for wholeness where it can be found - here and now.



Edited by kurt

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3 hours ago, kurt said:


It's something to be aware of as "not-self".  It's just another object for you to look at, accept and not worry over, because like all things it's just an experience and subject to change.

Twenty minutes a day is fine, as long as you do something meditation wise while you're going through this temporary glitch.  The motivation will rise again, and then fall;)  It's all good, don't worry - you don't stress about thoughts coming and going during a meditation, do you? Well, this is the same, treat it the same way.


And no, it's not about giving anything up, as long as your lifestyle is conducive to contemplation (not creating havoc in your mind) you're good to go.  All the usual things apply, diet, exercise, drama free companions.  The ancient rishis of india had lives, were married, "renunciation" just means your meditation time, and time spent looking for wholeness where it can be found - here and now.



Thanks for the advice :)

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You do not need to abandon your whole life to pursue enlightenment. However, I have found that people tend to "unplug" from everything at a certain points in their journey. The solitude seems necessary so that you're able to disconnect other people's opinions and really contemplate. 

If you don't feel the desire to firebomb your life and do nothing but meditate and pursue enlightenment, don't. You're not going to be able to force yourself into it. If the time comes when that's necessary, you'll know.



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