
Trouble with psychedelics

23 posts in this topic

1 hour ago, infinitenrgy said:

If you could touch more on this feeling never being in the future that would be awesome because I am a bit confused by that. 

Very kind, much appreciated. ?? 

The finite mind is a lens of creation for our infinite being. Through it, infinite intelligence appears as one finite thought at a ‘time’. Boundless potentiality appears as concepts, limitless imagination appears as images. This makes the experience of communicating, creating, togetherness and the beauty & divinity of communion possible. This makes it possible to imagine, conceive and create that which we imagine, and to even do so together. 

The finite mind can wander in it’s own content, creating the false experience of leaving now, by giving to much focus to thoughts of a “past” or “future”. But feeling is ever present now, and the mind can abide in this feeling, in the compass of the heart. Feeling will never be in a past or future, and it is suffering to believe it could be, or to prolong any worry for it. But feeling is always here for you now. Always. Eternally. Unconditionally guiding you in your creating.

This can be particularly perplexing in our youth. The ticket to ‘getting into’ this place is forgetting our own infinitude, forgoing the inherent knowing of who we really are, so that one can experience. As an intrinsically gifted infinite creator, you create effortlessly, and thus innocently weave (create) an idea of “who” you are. What resonates of that idea illuminates the facets of your true nature, what is felt as discord reveals conditioning, and the false identifications. The experience of your creation and the idea of a ‘my’ identity can seem so real in it’s separateness, that an unfortunate ‘claiming’ of this infinite potentiality occurs. Worries of ‘my’ potential. This suffering can only persist in the ignoring of discord between thoughts and feeling. A “worry” of “my potential”, or a “fear” for “my future”, is actually the very calling of intuition, the visceral echo of Home, of Truth, through the finite body mind. One never faces death, only the shedding of this identity, this idea, for the real. 



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On 12/01/2021 at 6:44 PM, infinitenrgy said:

I’m just wondering if all I need to do now is work on letting go and surrendering into that?

Someone on the forum posted a book recommendation a few weeks back, im not even half way through yet and it is changing my life. Perhaps it could be useful for you too. It’s called “Letting Go” by David Hawkins

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11 hours ago, infinitenrgy said:


Could you touch more on what you said about not needing to journey to some astral plane? What does this mean exactly?

One doesn’t need to create/imagine other dimensions to experience expansive/deep states of consciousness. One time I stared at a blade of grass and understood / experienced infinite connectedness.

And the body is an immense source of wisdom, intuition, memories, experience, energetics, imagination, insight and wonder. Yet the vast majority of humans are trapped in their thinking mind and have very little body awareness. They haven’t even explored or observed the body at a surface level. Yet ironically, they call it “my body”. 

11 hours ago, infinitenrgy said:


Does this mean you could have a breakthrough while still remaining in the same room and still being in your body? 

Yet I would be mindful of the relationship of *my* body. Ime, that is a key.

11 hours ago, infinitenrgy said:


Every time for me it feels as though my body is starting to disappear, usually from my feet going up to my head. Every time it reaches the point of my legs it’s too real for me and I shy away from letting go and surrendering and my heart starts pounding. At the same time things will happen like the top of my tv seems to start fading away, but I tend to get scared of that in the moment even though Ive done plenty of learning about what that experience is suggesting to me. It’s like when I get close to realizing truth I don’t actually want it to be true anymore bc it’s terrifying lol. 

I would let go of constructs like “realizing truth”. Rather, I would frame it as “exploring experience”. The mind-body is scared because it’s trying to protect itself. Losing identification with the body and entering pure experience can be blissful. Yet that’s not the relationship your mind-body has with it. The mind-body perceives it as threatening and is trying to protect itself, so it activates the sympathetic nervous system and enters fight or flight. That could be due to prior conditioning or thought stories you tell yourself. That is why I suggested breathwork. With breathing done right, one can allow the subconscious mind-body to express itself, this can allow for release and de-conditioning. There will be insights that can be easily integrated and the mind-body can re-condition itself that it is a safe environment. Psychedelics can blast through resistance and enter trans-personal consciousness. Ime, this can be insightful direct experience that can expand the mind. Yet it doesn’t clear away underlying clogged pipes. For me, repeated exposures allowed my mind and body to desensitize and anxiety gradually went down. Yet there was a price to pay as each was a mini trauma. Yet there is also a big reward. 





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