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My nervous system is burnt out?

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Hey guys, ive identified that I have 3 forms of fatigue:

1) feeling very tired, sleepy, fall asleep during the day, groggy

2) not feeling like im falling asleep but bones aching, sharp pains everywhere, feeling like I'm full of coal smoke holding me down, a heat sort of sensation, feeling very stagnated like im trying to move in jelly.

3) feeling normal or energized, not feeling sleepy, but feeling like ive been electric shocked 100 times over. Its the sort of feeling you get after being shocked by a fence. Its deep exhaustion, but paradoxically feeling energized. Possibly exhausted on a nervous system/energetic level, but fully fine in a physiological level. It feels like your nervous system is burnt out.


So ive discovered that 1) can be reduced by relaxation and adequate sleep. 2) can be reduced by being mindful of food consumption. But i cant work out 3. Have no idea on how to solve it. 

Im gonna try a metal detox in 2-3 months with dmsa but until then, am researching other detoxing methods. 

Would you have any detox methods other then dmsa that i could try beforehand?

And would you have any suggestions of alleviating 3?

Its really hard to get things done with moderate to severe 3.  

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Do you have a proper timely sleep schedule? 

I'm extremely sorry you're having to deal with this. 

I'll see if I can find solutions. 

Currently I'm myself dealing with sleep  and fatigue issues as well. 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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3 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

Do you have a proper timely sleep schedule? 

I'm extremely sorry you're having to deal with this. 

I'll see if I can find solutions. 

Currently I'm myself dealing with sleep  and fatigue issues as well. 

Hey preety i usually sleep around 9-11 my time with an average variation of 2 hours. Occasionally late(12am) and even more occasionally early(8pm). 

Do you use a special water filter, or an average one, or buy from the shops?

@Shunyata Not sure because how serious one takes something is relative. Probably not that serious at all compared to yogis and monks and some on here. I am constantly questioning reality and doing visualization techniques for lucid dreaming and LOA throughout the day with moderate intensity. Then do Taoist techniques about 1 hour a day.  

Edited by electroBeam

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@electroBeam hey mate what is your diet like? Give us a sample if you wouldn't mind

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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@electroBeam  I use a special one that I ordered from Amazon. 

This is the one I ordered. I guess you could order it from Amazon to your home, check if a similar one is available in your town or city either from your local website or Amazon. 

It really gives very clean water. I can tell the difference and it's affordable.

So this is how it looks. It's called Express Water Reverse Osmosis Filtration 





INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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15 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

@electroBeam hey mate what is your diet like? Give us a sample if you wouldn't mind

Hey Michael:


Eggs(scrambled) onion, tomato.


4-5 days a week:

Broccoli, green beans, lentils, organic tomato sauce

3-4 days a week:

Organic sausages + the above Everything Else_WW-0001&cq_con=SmartShopping_Food%26Beverages Everything Else&cq_term=PRODUCT_GROUP&cq_net=u&cq_plt=gp&cq_med=71700000075815392&cq_gclid=Cj0KCQiAwf39BRCCARIsALXWETwGvZ5237RQJ8dPrIRLClnbrD0COdrXXHs8Wa9aC0-M8mCQ0rniqLIaAk4mEALw_wcB&cmpid=smsm:ds:GOOGLE:Woolies_8458_BAU_Shopping_Smart_F%26B Everything Else_WW-0001:PRODUCT_GROUP&gclid=Cj0KCQiAwf39BRCCARIsALXWETwGvZ5237RQJ8dPrIRLClnbrD0COdrXXHs8Wa9aC0-M8mCQ0rniqLIaAk4mEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds

Not feeling morally ok eith this tbh , but when i went off meat i started getting very fatigued. Even with eggs.





2-3 times a week i eat 2 of these a day:

Then 1 of these a day: High_WW-0001&cq_con=SmartShopping_Food%26Beverages&cq_term=PRODUCT_GROUP&cq_net=u&cq_plt=gp&cq_med=71700000045164926&cq_gclid=Cj0KCQiAwf39BRCCARIsALXWETxCCclwh5-owLYajPf0vpTFMv54f-NlnPanmvAdXqhciExSCa4xYKkaAlzNEALw_wcB&cmpid=smsm:ds:GOOGLE:Woolies_8458_BAU_Shopping_Smart_F%26B High_WW-0001:PRODUCT_GROUP&gclid=Cj0KCQiAwf39BRCCARIsALXWETxCCclwh5-owLYajPf0vpTFMv54f-NlnPanmvAdXqhciExSCa4xYKkaAlzNEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds

Not proud of these 2, im just addicted to sugar.

Also i drink about 2 bottles(330 ml) of this a day:

Again not proud if it.

8 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

@electroBeam  I use a special one that I ordered from Amazon. 

This is the one I ordered. I guess you could order it from Amazon to your home, check if a similar one is available in your town or city either from your local website or Amazon. 

It really gives very clean water. I can tell the difference and it's affordable.

So this is how it looks. It's called Express Water Reverse Osmosis Filtration 





Thanks for the fantastic information! I drink a lot of tap water and was wondering what you do about it.

Edited by electroBeam

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@electroBeam  I never drank tap water in my entire life. It's extremely dangerous to drink tap water no matter where you live in the world. 

Please install a good filtration system available in your town or city and stop drinking tap water and never drink it again. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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@electroBeam Thanks so much for sharing. 

What I am missing here is just more volume, more calories, more good healthy complex carbohydrates and more fibre. 

Try an experiment: for the next 7 days start your day with oatmeal made of the following: 80g of dry oats cooked in 400ml liquids (combined water & oat milk)  40g nuts, 2tbsp of seeds, 1 banana, 1 apple, 1/2 cup blueberries. See how that makes you feel and what that does for your energy levels. 

I get the egg = protein argument but there is too little fibre to hold it long enough and without carbs you're burning protein for energy.  Crates ammonia and all sorts of rubbish byproducts that your liver has to detox and that can give you a bit of brain fog

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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3 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

@electroBeam Thanks so much for sharing. 

What I am missing here is just more volume, more calories, more good healthy complex carbohydrates and more fibre. 

Try an experiment: for the next 7 days start your day with oatmeal made of the following: 80g of dry oats cooked in 400ml liquids (combined water & oat milk)  40g nuts, 2tbsp of seeds, 1 banana, 1 apple, 1/2 cup blueberries. See how that makes you feel and what that does for your energy levels. 

I get the egg = protein argument but there is too little fibre to hold it long enough and without carbs you're burning protein. Crates ammonia and all sorts of rubbish byproducts that your liver has to detox and that can give you a bit of brain fog

Excellent thanks! Definitely feeling a good vibe about this. 

And interesting to hear that calories and volume pointer. i do need lots of volume of the above food to feel full (like talking 6 eggs, 5 sausages sort of range per meal).

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2 hours ago, electroBeam said:

i do need lots of volume of the above food to feel full (like talking 6 eggs, 5 sausages sort of range per meal).

Think about how much effort your gut has to involve to process this stuff. Digesting all those eggs & sausage takes tremendous amount of energy from your body, an energy that already is a bit low.  Sausage can take 6 hours to digest where oatmeal is out of your stomach in 45 minutes gently massaging the intestines as it slides down, slowly giving away glucose to your cells. Not too fast and not too slow. The fibre in this meal ensures that your insulin is not spiked rapidly and that your cells get a gradual influx of glucose to turn into readily available energy. When you burn carbs for energy it is clean, easy and fast. Yes you can use protein but it is like burning posters to make a fire. It stinks, it smokes and it does not feel right. 

Let me know if I can be of any further help ;)

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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