Conscious life

Leo on what stage do you label ascended master on the Sprial?

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Leo I heard on one of your videos you have said that, the budhaa might not be fully enlightened, and others Spritual master aren't fully enlightened and access full potential of consciousness. on your guess estimate where do you label Spritual master such as Jesus, budhaa, krishna, mahvira on the Sprial. on one of gnostic text, it said Jesus failed on ego traps and didn't actualize who he was and condemn by his spirit body. later he actualized he is the godhead. this things happens to me too. every time I construct identitie it fall apart. I thought I am the son of God then, it fall apart, godhead it fallapart, to what degree do you think it will go. my identity isn't based on concept but actual conscious experience. on my estimations I think we have the capability to understand to be conscious, until we become conscious of every cell. I call it trillion consciousness or universe consciousness. I am very conscious of my sprit and soul, seeing it and knowing it which is which clearly. I also conscious some of our invisible body part and soul. 

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spiral stage is different from state of consciousness.


On 11/25/2020 at 11:42 AM, Conscious life said:

my identity isn't based on concept but actual conscious experience.

All of your identities are conceptual and must eventually collapse. Especially the sneaky spiritual ones.

Your still trying to take other being's experience such as Leo, Eckhart, Jesus, etc on authority. This is a trap. Only you can

know the answers to these questions by sitting your ass down and doing more consciousness work for yourself. 


Other people can give you ideas and pointers to what you may discover but you can't know any of this stuff through language alone. You'll just 

construct another identity out of it.


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