
Valid Meditation?

6 posts in this topic

Hi about 6 weeks ago I got hired back at my McD's job. Here is the thing: I have a chance to formally sit with my eyes closed, my back straight and meditate in between times that the customers are not asking for burgers. I want to ask the meditators in here if this meditation is ''valid'' from you POV

It definitely feels like I am meditating. But sometimes it just feels like I am resting my eyes and kinda sleeping. As soon as a new customer asks for another burger  my meditation is put on pause or terminated or interrupted. The meditations can last up to 15 minutes but they are usually like 5-7 minutes long in average.

It's definitely better than nothing right? I even do the whole concentration technique counting my breaths with my fingers doing the Buddha thing and all.

What do you guys think? Is it valid?

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I bet there are tens of thousands of persons living like me. For example an uber driver who meditates while the light goes green, a doctor who meditates in between patients etc. It is like a lifestyle. Do you live like that?

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@Arcangelo  I used to do this during my student days, meditate between intense hours of learning. 

You're doing right and continue doing so. 

It'll help you. You will feel much better and stable and more fulfilled every day with consistent practice, I'm happy already that you're doing it. 

Also, hey, congratulations on your job and I hope everything is okay friend. :)



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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5 hours ago, Arcangelo said:

I have a chance to formally sit with my eyes closed, my back straight and meditate in between times that the customers are not asking for burgers.

Why not meditate while they are asking for burgers? 


6 hours ago, Arcangelo said:

t definitely feels like I am meditating. But sometimes it just feels like I am resting my eyes and kinda sleeping. As soon as a new customer asks for another burger  my meditation is put on pause or terminated or interrupted. The meditations can last up to 15 minutes but they are usually like 5-7 minutes long in average.


When you are meditating, there is no such thing as interruption. Use your customer as an object of meditation. Eliminate the boundary between formal practice and daily life. Meditation is something you can do all day. Osho explains this well on Youtube.

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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@Preety_India  Thank you!

2 hours ago, r0ckyreed said:

Why not meditate while they are asking for burgers? 

I think I am kinda doing that already to some degree.


2 hours ago, r0ckyreed said:

When you are meditating, there is no such thing as interruption. Use your customer as an object of meditation. Eliminate the boundary between formal practice and daily life. Meditation is something you can do all day. Osho explains this well on Youtube.

Cool! Will do.


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@Arcangelo Of course that is valid! Great idea to use the time like that instead of using your phone? If you get sleepy, make sure to slide forward to the edge of the chair, tilt your pelvis forward so that your belly pops out and keep the back straight, chin pulled towards your chest. This way you don‘t lean against the chair and have a slight tension in the neck which will help you to stay awake. You can also try to keep your eyes open to get some light exposure which will also help you to stay awake. Once a customer arrives, try to be mindful of your words: feel how you say things, listen carefully to the Voice of the Customer. That is a proper practice!?‍♂️

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