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Biohacking Books

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I was interested in getting a list of biohacking books. Does anyone have any biohacking books to recommend? I am thinking about getting seriously involved in Biohacking and want to order 4-5 books that are a really good starting point. I have decent knowledge about biohacking already to some good extent so I would be a little more interested in intermediate level books.


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Careful that you don't fall prey to biohacking scammers. Many of these guys are basically supplement pushers and you'll end up having to consume 200$ worth of supplements a month, many of them having literally zero evidence base. Most of the other advice will revolve around mix of Wim Hoff, keto, fasting and exercise all of which you probably already do :)Nothing beats a balanced diet and lifestyle. 

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At the moment I'm not reading any books, I'm just listening to YouTube - it's efficient when you want to gather information from various sources. I recommend Siim Land. He has a YouTube channel but he also wrote some ebooks I haven't red. You can also check Ben Greenfield.

I think that not only a knowledge is needed. It's important to know recipes and cooking tricks to be able to prepare healthy food quickly.

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The Neurohacker Collective may have some good stuff.  Pretty sure it's run by two stage Yellow people (Jordan Hall and Daniel Schmachtenberger; you can check them out on YT).

I haven't tried any of their stuff and don't know much about it except what was stated above.

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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