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Doing nothing and getting money

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Is it possible to create any kind of business that later you don't do anything but getting money? 

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Yeah its called passive income. Although some type of maintenance is usually necessary.

You could also create a business and later sell it for enough amount you can retire and never work again. This is best said that done lol

May you realize you are sitting on your Inmortal Throne of Bliss, and you have no obligations of any kind but to enjoy What You Are. Shambo

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5 hours ago, hikmatshiraliyev said:

Is it possible to create any kind of business that later you don't do anything but getting money? 

Money is how people communicate value. 

To get money, you must provide value to someone.

To provide value to people in the future, in the present you must solve a future problem. 

Can you solve such a problem? 

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