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Is The Earth Round Or Flat?

7 posts in this topic


is it actually round? or is it flat. I ahve read lots of scientific proof that the earth is flat.

The only real picture of earth was taken from Mars and it looks flat.

like WTF? if so, why did they lie to us? What would be the reason.


- The enemy of knowledge is not ignorance but the illusion of knowledge - Stephen Hawking

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16 hours ago, GodelEscherBach said:

I ahve read lots of scientific proof that the earth is flat.

Sounds interesting. Where did you find that scientific proof? Have you tried to search for "how do we know that earth is round"?

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On 8/9/2016 at 7:37 PM, GodelEscherBach said:

is it actually round? or is it flat. I have read lots of scientific proof that the earth is flat.

what you have read is not actual science, but meaningless anecdotal nonsense.

On 8/9/2016 at 7:37 PM, GodelEscherBach said:

The only real picture of earth was taken from Mars and it looks flat.

uh, what? there are plenty of photos. stop consuming insane conspiracy theory garbage.

The earth is unequivocally round. If you do not understand this you simply do not understand the science. That is all there is to it. Literally anybody can mathematically prove this to themselves at home. A friend of mine has taken photos of the earth by sending a home-made weather balloon, built with materials under $100, and sending it into the atmosphere.

Not like the earth being flat makes any sort of sense to begin with, and invalidates our entire understanding of physics. You actually believe it's just some plane sitting out there in space? C'mon man.

Edited by saiko

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What's even the point of the government to lie that the earth is not flat?

I think what you're having here is some real Confirmation bias

Edited by IndependantKouhai

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