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How To Do Research On Personal Development Topics

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Is there any effective way to do research on personal development topics? Of course there are 'authorites' like Tony Robbins, Steve Pavlina or Leo from whom you can take good information, but what else can you do? Browsing the Internet, forums etc. randomly hoping to find good information isn't that effective IMO.

I would be happy about any suggestions or personal preferences.

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A few ways: reading, coaching, mentorship, programs, webinars

There is no real way around putting in the work. You have to actively immerse yourself with the topic you're trying to develop. Seek out the fundamentals first, then keep moving towards more advanced concepts and whatnot. There are surely top 5 lists on almost anything.

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@Arnie What do you mean with research? Are you going to do a PhD on personal development? If not, you just attack every field you feel you're lacking at one by one. Just check Amazon on the bestsellers on that topic. Stress, confidence, dating. I have noticed that in many books they refer to other books. So a lot of times I end up buying a book to which is referred in the book I am reading. Some books are quoted so often, like for me the Bhagavad Gita, that I ended up buying it today. Like Siim says, you have to immerse yourself and then the authorities on a field automatically emerge. Like Tony Robbins, Eckhart Tolle, these names pop up so much that you are almost forced to buy their books.

And yes, in your quest you will encounter rubbish also, but you will get more skilled in finding good stuff by just practicing. I have read books that are complete nonsense or copies of someone else's words. Part of the life of the self-help-junkie.

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Buy Leo's book list. Read everything that you think could benefit you. Then read every book recommended in each of those books that you think could benefit you. Like eelco said, you'll find that some are mentioned over and over again. Man's search for meaning by Victor Frankl and meditations by Marcus Aurelius come to mind for me in that regard. 

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