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Tips for reducing back pain during long sits?

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I'm experiencing pain sitting up straight while meditating, Self-Inquiring etc. I do half an hour of kriya yoga, an hour of Self-Inquiry and 1.5 hours of 'do nothing' with short breaks in between. I'm able to keep my back up through this but it definitely starts to hurt after an hour or so. I can handle it while practicing but while doing other stuff I can't bring myself to sit straight. A lot of back stretches don't work as well as I want them to and this pain is making it harder to look forward to doing the practices. 

Any tips?

Edited by Koeke

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Some stuff I found to work for this ‘meat sack’...Rethink posture ‘from the ground up’, research it, and go for daily walks of alignment. Strengthen the back with some weight training / resistance exercises. Don’t eat after around 7pm at night. Don’t eat sugar or other inflammatory foods, and don’t drink carbonated beverages. You can also see a chiropractor if possible / available. Sometimes little things are found to be making a big difference, like a leg being a tiny bit longer than the other, etc, which can be rectified by shoe inserts, etc.  



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Sit on a chair instead sometimes. General exercise like yoga, wieght training to strengthen your body to handle the mechanical stress. There is no point to torcher your body in the process of awakening and deep insight. The Buddha realized fasting to the point of near death defeated the purpose of enlightenment.

Having an able body and filling it's cravings when needed makes the universe you created meaningful.

Walking meditation, laying down meditation, sitting on the floor, a chair and eventually acting out life while being  more conscious is the point of meditation in the first place.

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