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Opinions On Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru

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Has anyone seen this new documentary (on Netflix) ? :)

Personally, I found it quite superficial and annoying, unnecessarily provocative and misleading regarding the self-actualization process. Tony Robbins creates a good show, but I fail to see how he helps people heal (like, really heal). Also, I have to admit that his character and methods annoy me. I prefer a gentler approach. Leo has also a fairly straight-forward, at times even brutal, approach, but I like him, because I feel like he has a point. Tony Robbins' points don't resonate with me much.

I was curious, what do people on this forum think? :)

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I like his book awaken the giant within, but things that Tony Robbins teaches are pretty basic at the end of the day.


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@Pallero Ive said it before and I'll say it again. The self help industry is a scam. 


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I personally think that he has certain characteristics that are great. I mean he is great at motivating people and when you look at videos of the audience in his seminars, they are certainly engaged. And I think there is value to gain there as far as how to influence people because he clearly shows that in the way he verbal and nonverbal communication.

He also shares great advice that is highly practical. One example being that you should divorce your story when it no longer serves you. But there still is an underlying problem there and that is that now people use their current level of willpower to do this. And that does not work. Because the awareness level is still the same. 

Beliefs change as a result of increased awareness over the web of beliefs and subconscious programming.

These ideas are not really taught that much by him. It is mostly about superficial problems that he talks about like depression, lack of money, relationships, etc and superficial  (but good sounding) solutions. Not deep real ones that actually have a noticeable impact on ones life.

So in conclusion: He gives great advice that sounds great, but it does not really work practically. 

Just my opinion though...


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I watched this yesterday and i actually really liked it. It went little deeper into tony robbins, i have read his books etc. but never really knew much about else him than his life story.

Most of the people get hyped and pumb´d up on the seminar, but i would guess most of them go back to old habits etc. after that. the document gives the viewer the illusion that everybody will chance after the seminar, lol. It appeals to the masses.

But i think Tony Robbins is a great guy, he has definitely helped a lot of people.

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