
Sri Padmanabhaswamy temple sealed door

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Hey, I remember long time ago I watched a video about this golden indian temple (Sri Padmanabhaswamy) which supposedly has several chambers underneath it of which all but one have been opened and there were great amounts of gold etc. inside. But this one door is cursed or something and it is said that it can only be opened by a powerful monk or something like that. 

I don't know how legit this is but I found this super exciting and just wanna know if some people here know about this temple and can tell me something about this since this also has something to do with spirituality.


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Im from here. There are many chambers A,B,C. B chamber is closed many stories are there regarding why its closed. Rest of chamber three years back was opened,it was full of gold stored by Kings who ruled the place. 

Indian temples where mostly used to store golds thats why foreign invaders attacked temples.

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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