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On Trump, policing, protesters and the state.

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   From what I've seen so far, the George Floyd case was once a local case, now gone pandemic, and every black community, outside of the states even, is protesting, and to a small degree looting and rioting. Trump, as usual, tries to leverage the anger for more power, but it appears that it has somewhat backfired. Now, that American state is going to pass on legislation for police defunding and dismantling. The internet is a powerful thing.

    To me, all this is a projection from the masses, their pent-up hate, frustration, and jealousy, including black communities, onto Trump and the police system. Yet, everybody is overlooking that the state, the new god the masses created, has many fingers and is happy to play whatever role the masses project onto it. Soon enough, these issues will resolve in whatever way, and the state survives, whatever the outcome. What's more concerning, is that these projections are distractions, from the collective looking inwards. It's so easy for groups to look outward, for external changes. Pulling down statues, shooting rubber bullets at protesters, burning and looting stores, throwing tear gas at people, dismantling the police, protesters disrupting public transport, and so on. When will they turn inwards?

   Past sages, including the Dalai Lama, have warned the masses, time and time again. It seems it is only a matter of time, and a matter of how many will survive in the end, to then realize the mass projections they had created, are really just distractions. When?


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51 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

When will they turn inwards?

Never, or not for a very very, very long time. Most people are actually incapable of looking inwards. Hence why human history has played out the way it has, all the way up to our current situation.

The sea of the masses need to follow their own mechanisms for change and improvement, otherwise they wouldn't be the "masses".

Edited by Roy


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On 2020-06-12 at 9:46 PM, Roy said:

Never, or not for a very very, very long time. Most people are actually incapable of looking inwards. Hence why human history has played out the way it has, all the way up to our current situation.

The sea of the masses need to follow their own mechanisms for change and improvement, otherwise they wouldn't be the "masses".

   Yes, it's a long process, because of this deep desire within the masses to pedestal a powerful force of authority. Even if we throw away the state, the masses will quickly fill that void with another thing to worship. Whether it's a religious god, or a nation/country, or a new form of state, or the internet/media,

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