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This stuff is just beyond obvious now...

4 posts in this topic

Okay. I'm not really going to make a trip report on this because honestly I can't remember it all no matter how hard I try. I'm sure it'll all come back eventually, but anyway, my last 3 gram shroom trip just opened my eyes all the way. My eyes are straight up paper clipped open. Scratch that. They took the 5 pillars of Islam and leveraged my eyes the fuck open. Haha

So up to this point, most of this has all been theory to me. I could see nondualism from a logical standpoint and maybe a little deeper but not much. That was until this past weekend's shroom trip when I realized how fucking obvious it all is. 

Reality is a giant mind that is self-sufficient. It does not need anything to keep itself going except itself, which is impossible to destroy. Okay, but then you say, "Well that's great and all, but do you have proof??? Where's the proof?" 

Well then, let's take basic electricity. If you want to harness electricity, what do you need? A generator. If you want the generator to work, you need to make the parts for it. Okay well to do that you need a people; Etc. 

If you account for the fact that reality is infinite and is constantly doing this, it must be self-sufficient. Reality creates itself. This must mean reality itself is God. 

To add to that, if you replace the word 'love' with 'serve', and since I serve the bigger picture, which is infinite, I am infinite love just as everything else is. Since reality is infinite, everything is at the center of it all. This must mean that I am the generator, meaning I am reality itself. I must be God. 

Boom!!!!!!! I have much much much more to get here, but I'll just leave it there. I'm in such a blissful state after realizing this, I really don't even know what to do with myself at the moment lol. Hope y'all have a fantastic day. Thank you, Leo for get me started on this. Can't thank you enough. 


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Well there you go. 

Glad to know you had a glimpse of infinite love. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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Good, but this is all just the tip of the iceberg.

Keep tripping deeper.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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