
Enlightenment vs life purpose

6 posts in this topic

Hi, I’m a 23 year old guy. I have some things I wanna ask and something I wanna share.

While the title may suggest a dualistic polarity I am aware that these are synergistic. However, I do have a concern regarding a split focus on focusing between persuing my life pupose and a potentially conflicting focus on ’persuing’ awakening. I currently feel very inspired to persue my life purpose, as I feel that my passion and skill for my art is growing stonger over the years. Speaking of which, I want to say that while I have not followed through thoroughly on it, I have at least practised my art over the years, and I feel like sharing some of my experience with it thus far. Now, about three years after I took the course I’m fairly surprised with how much i’ve improved with my art. It makes me think, what’s possible in 10 or 20 years? And in case somebody is interested, here is a link to an article I recently wrote about philosophy, consciousness and reality which I’d consider the artform through which my high consciousness values and my relatively Teotlised heart can be communicated and shared. I’m actually quite proud of the article.


While I’m fairly determined to persue my life purpose now there is also a concern about sacrifising a more dedicated focus on awakening. It was recomended in the course to focus on life purpose before awakening in most cases, and to not focus on both of them simultaneously, and I feel right now that life purpose is more salient. However, I simultaneosly feel like I can’t ignore the spiritual path completely as my heart yearns for Love and for Truth. So I am a bit conflicted here, and not quite sure how to balance this. So any thoughts someone might have to share on this would be very much appreciated.


There is also a concern on weather I should go to university to study philosophy or not. I’m seriously considering persuing a phd in philosophy, and while that is probably gonna help me master my field, and be benifiitial in other ways there is also an uncertainty of weather this is gonna be a waste of time, and just generally gonna do more harm than good. Any thoughts on this by someone would also be very welcomed.

Edited by High-valance

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Basically you got 3 options, balancing both, quitting one or quitting the other. I highly doubt you will find which one is the best option out of thinking. Your taste are not a math equation you can just figure out. There's no best option, you could pick virtually anything to do and find peace in what you are doing.

Yet even if you can't figure it out, you can just experience all of 3 and become aware of how you feel when taking any of the options. In my opinion you don't even need to think about it. You can just adjust from experience, your intuition will tell you if you feel like you want to meditate more (or less). 

I've been guilty of overthinking a lot about stuff like this as well. But thinking about spirituality is not spirituality. This idea of "how much importance" I give spirituality to my life doesn't matter at all to spirituality, it doesn't make growth faster. In fact, it only grows the ego which nows identify more as a serious spiritual seeker. Enlightenment shouldn't be part of one's life design I think because then you are leading yourself to miss the point of enlightment. 

Edited by 4201

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Thanks for the reply. I found it helpful and it resonated well. 

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According to some gurus, you do not need a life purpose.

A LIFE purpose can be dangerous because it detached yourself from other goals. For example, Hitler had a purpose of making Germany great or something close so he will do anything to achieve his life purpose and he became devoid of certain emotions. Or you become harsh towards certain people just so you can accomplish your life purpose.

Life purpose suggests an end in itself too. For example, one day, you finally accomplish your life purpose of winning a gold medal ?. And after that, you feel empty because you have no more purpose. 


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Thanks for your reply.

I see what you mean, but, as I see it, there are dangers with everything. There are traps in everything into which we can slip upon the slippery surface of the Earth. Ignoring what I feel is my calling/purpose, it seems to me would be one of those traps. I think we should all follow our hearts, and I think to many, although maybe not to all, their hearts reside in their passion and art. 

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