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Dream analysis

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Having vivid dreams more often and able to remember them in the waking state. 

Resources on how to interpret dreams? Any tips are appreciated. 

Edited by Zanoni

“ In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's mind there are few. ”
― Shunryu Suzuki

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Really depends on the type of dreams you are having.

Write down your dreams and see if there are any recurring narratives.

Some dreams are pretty literal, some are very metaphorical .

One thing to remember is that there are NO random dreams. Even the most random dream has some kind of meaning to it. It just depends on how deep you can/want to go. The better you know yourself, the easier it will be to understand your dreams.

The best dreams are obviously nightmares (not just nightmares, but all dreams that have a negative feel to them), since they show you what the most urgent things in your life are. 

I'd urge you to try and get into lucid dreaming. You already remember a lot of your dreams? That means you don't really need a journal. Just contemplate your dreams after you wake up and do a few reality checks throughout your day. That's what I do and I have multiple lucid dreams a week.

Lucid dreams are great, because they let you confront your fears in a safe environment. They are great for shadow work and inner child work. I'd concentrate more on lucid dreaming than on trying to interpret dreams, because you can more consciously explore your unconscious mind (your desires, fears, suppressed emotions etc.)

That video was pretty helpful for me. Lucid dreaming is HIGHLY underrated when it comes to spiritual work!

beep boop

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@DefinitelyNotARobot Thank you.

By synchronicity i have bought David Wilcocks book Awakening in the Dream: Contact with the Divine few days ago, i will read it in June. I do not know if it is about Lucid dreaming but he is known to research his own dreams for many decades now.

Whats struck me most about your post is "The best dreams are obviously nightmares (not just nightmares, but all dreams that have a negative feel to them), since they show you what the most urgent things in your life are." As i am reminded continuously during my waking time about the fearful parts i had in the dreams. Like The scary forest i have to enter while i find a watch on the ground and the bus i have to leave but there is turbulence outside and i cannot move. Unfortunately i do not know how to interpret i but have learned not to apply unnecessary meaning to it.

I have personally been on a online course recently on Zoom and a chapter was about lucid dreaming. I have no idea how folks are able to do it but i hope i find out. As i heard dreaming is a method of the higher self or our casual body to communicates with us.



“ In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's mind there are few. ”
― Shunryu Suzuki

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@Zanoni A powerful tip I can give you for lucid dreaming: Lucid dreams let you interact with all the parts of you that haven't been integrated properly.

You can meet all your fears, emotions and literally every part of your mind as a separate manifestation. You can talk to them, you can hug them and show them some love, you can give them affirmations, you can ask for advice. For example: You can ask to speak to your unconscious mind directly! Like have an actual conversation! You wouldn't believe all the wisdom that you are unaware of!

The dream you've mentioned could have multiple meanings, it's hard to say. But know what? You can actually ask your unconscious to talk to this fear. You can talk to it and ask it what it means. What it wants.

Your fear really just wants to protect you (ego). Talk to it and hug it. Talk to your fear as if it was a friend of yours. Hang out with your fear.

You can do this with everything. Your inner child. Your inner shadow. Your inner wisdom. Your mind is an entire world and there is a lot to be explored. A lot of people to be met. A lot of things to be understood. There is an entire science to this world, see yourself as the first scientist exploring it. And with some time you will integrate all of these parts into "yourself". Into the whole. Because right now you are made out of different parts with different goals, fears, desires, etc. But you can make them all part of the "one". Just be patient and show love and compassion for yourself. It is easy to want to get rid of these parts, like fear, anger, sadness. Don't. Try to accept them. Use your dream to get an opportunity to hang around with them. Get to know them. Befriend them and they will be companions for the rest of your life!

(There is obviously an entire spiritual domain to this, but this stuff goes very deep and it would take ages to explain everything, but you will eventually find the things you need!)

Edited by DefinitelyNotARobot

beep boop

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34 minutes ago, Zanoni said:

I have personally been on a online course recently on Zoom and a chapter was about lucid dreaming. I have no idea how folks are able to do it but i hope i find out.

Are you talking about how to perform the lucid dream?

Here are a few more specific instructions:

Contemplate your dreams for like 10 - 20 minutes after you wake up. Just think about them. What were they about? What things did you see? What sounds did you hear? How did the world look like? What did they make you feel? What did they mean to you?

Do this day by day and you will eventually become more and more aware of your dreams.

Combine this with meditation and it can have CRAZY results! I've been meditating for almost a year now and I went from remembering a few dreams a week, to remembering 2 - 5 dreams a night!

Meditating before sleep has good results.

Also reality checks, reality checks, reality checks. Here is my favorite one:

You can do this using a timer, it will help you remind yourself. Just set a timer for an hour and perform a reality check when the timer goes off. Reset the timer and keep repeating this until you go to bed. You don't have to do this in public, since people will think there is something wrong with you. :D

The reality check is simple. Be present and ask yourself: "Is this a dream?" Look at your hand and count your fingers. 1,2,3,4,5. Now look away for a second and count your fingers again. 1,2,3,4,5. Good you are awake.

If you are dreaming you will , 95% of the time, count 5 fingers the first time you look, but 3, 4, 6, 7 fingers the second time you look! Very trippy! Seeing an unusual amount of fingers, on top of realizing that you have been asleep the entire time might shock you so much that it will actually wake you up. Again meditation and experience helps with this one. The more experience you have, the better you will be able to handle this.

But this method is pretty random. It depends on the dream you are having. You are less likely to become lucid when you are having a great time. Most of the time you will become lucid because of a nightmare, or some kind of shock. Most of the time at least.

There is another one, which is more controlled, but harder to perform. Actually... it's VERY hard to perform. There are methods that make it easier but I don't use them. I do it the hard way. Which is to lay down at night and to try to stay aware until you've fallen asleep. Just be present and put your awareness on your body. Then keep that awareness on your body. This is very hard to do. Especially once your body starts falling asleep.

Google "WILD technique" for methods to make this easier.

But there is quiet some downsides to this. The biggest one is simply the time it takes to actually fall asleep, so I would stick to the reality checks personally. The upside, on the other hand is that this is probably the most powerful way to lucid dream. Your choice.


I hope I could help you in some way. 

Good luck and peace!

beep boop

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Hi, i would like to pick your brain on this one.  Make sense?  


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