
Is the Coronavirus a hoax?

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this is an open-ended question as to whether the Coronavirus is as lethal as the media and government portray it to be or are the media and government trying to control us, lock away our freedoms, and make our immune systems more vulnerable?

After watching Ralph Smart’s (Infinite Waters) video about the Coronavirus, he states that several doctors came out saying that the government is controlling us through our fears. Why are healthy people being quarantined? Isn’t it true that by being our others, we strengthen our immune systems? Are all deaths related to coronavirus caused by coronavirus? What is really going on? Was the coronavirus created by the Chinese to attack Americans or some other country? What is really going on here? Many people are afraid but yet, there is no panic for the flu, then why is there so much panic around covid? Out of millions that get it, only a thousand die. What are your thoughts? Please be open minded and consider my questions seriously. Do not cling to your ideology. Is the coronavirus lethal or is it a measure for control or both? If you say both, please be precise on here you draw your distinctions. 

thank you! Stay safe? <3

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2 of my co-workers lost their mothers in the past 48 hours due to the coronavirus. 

2 of our patients (I'm a nurse with home health) have gone hospice in the past few days due to coronavirus.

These people are elderly with comorbidities but are dying from coronavirus, nothing else.


If your post causes undue arguments it will probably get locked ? as conspiracy theories are against forum guidelines.

So, we will see where this goes....

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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“While we're busy working to save people's lives we're also growing really concerned about the conspiracy theory BS that's seeming to become a bigger problem than #covid19,” he wrote.

"If you don't know what the fuck you're talking about it's okay to just shut the fuck up right NOW. This is not a joke."

Eric Sartori, nurse working a Covid-19 unit.

Nuff said.

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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1 hour ago, r0ckyreed said:

Out of millions that get it, only a thousand die.

Most illnesses have mortality rates of lower than 1% out of all closed cases (deaths + recovered). Right now, not all the confirmed cases are closed so it's not possible to give an accurate mortality rate. Right now, over 3 million people have been confirmed infected, and out of those there is still nearly two million people worldwide that have the virus active. The current mortality rate can be measured by dividing the deaths by the sum of deaths and recovered cases.

217K (deaths) ÷ 1144K (deaths + recovered) = 0.189 = 19%

That is an extremely high mortality rate. Things don't seem to be going anywhere good either. There are currently over 30 subtypes of the virus due to the mutations that occured while it has been spreading. Fear is not the solution, obviously. But social distancing might be. It's a life and death issue, there are no jokes about it. It should be treated like the AIDS and the Ebola viruses. Let's stop thinking about conspiracies for now and survive the pandemic first, and then afterwards we can investigate and see what we can do about it.

Edited by The observer

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Too foolish to deserve a response.

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