
My Dad Showed Me Paul Simon Song about 5-MEO

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Lol, couldn’t believe it. That’s what happens when you travel and investigate I guess. 


I was born before my father
And my children before me
We are born and born again
Like the waves of the sea
That's the way it's always been
And that's how I want it to be

Nothing but good news
There is a frog in South America
Whose venom is a cure
For all the suffering that mankind
Must endure
More powerful than morphine
And soothing as the rain
A frog in South America
Has the antidote for pain
That's the way it's always been

And that's the way I like it


Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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Sorry to be the pedant here, but frog lives in Arizona.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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The South American frog could be  Phyllomedusa Bicolor, source of kambo, which contains the peptides dermorphin and deltorphin, the former being a mu receptor agonist ie like morphine but more potent.

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