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Life purpose confusion

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Hello everybody, I’m new. I’ve been watching Leo’s content for some time now and got into spirituality a little bit. However this had led me to some confusion about my life purpose.

My life purpose is to be a historian, I love it because of the grand feeling of knowing what happened 1000s of years ago. Researching sources and interpreting them is great for me.

However now with Leo’s content and spirituality in general there are many remarks of the past being an illusion? Then how can history exist? It’s a noble purpose right, so why would it interfere with spirituality? Maybe this question is a bit strange but I really need to understand this because this is my life purpose.

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@FlowerNote You could become the greatest historian the world's ever seen if you take the illusion of past into account. Do not let that stop you, but once you realize this you might have a change in interest and that's totally fine and good. That's choose one path and end up on another. 

Just know you are in the same now as you read this comment, as Hitler was killed, as MLK spoke his speech, as Genghis Kahn went around like a barbarian killing and raping. Then you realize you were the rapist, you were Hitler, you assassinated Hitler, you became a historian who knew of Hitler who thought he was actually other than Hitler. You realize you imagined all this story up and it was just a dream of god's infinite will and love. None of this actually ever happened. It was a dream. 

It can become quite messy as you see but do not let that stop you. If your heart lies in being a historian, follow it. 

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You should take into account what you think is important and meaningful. While there might be some things that are twisted, or not well documented. Really by preserving the past it helps prevent things from happening in the future. Which in turn can help mankind move forward to higher states of consciousness. I find learning about the past to be very helpful for what I am doing now in the present. I think your pursuit is well worthwhile. 

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