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Toxic habits

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Hello people, I am trying to quit some toxic habits that I have, the most important for me right now is smoking. I am doing daily maditation for 4 years now and I was able to cut of some other bad habits that I had, but some aspects of myself are still cut up with some things that I can clearly see that are toxic for myself, so I am not sure enough of what is the best approach for this because I don't want to create shadows of myself and backlashing in the future as it has happened in the past. If anyone has some any advice on this matter I would appreciate it. 


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the most important rule for quitting addictions is to remember that it will get tough at times and that u will backslide but nevertheless u should get back up and continue doing the hard work cuz u know its rewarding and as long as u have enough desire to break free u will so having a strong desire is even more important than any thing else 

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@Slifon If you smoke unconsciously then smoke consciously and you won’t like it. This might sound crazy or outlandish, but I can promise you this works. Rub poo on the cigarettes when you smoke it. This way your mind associates smoking with smelling like shit, which is pretty accurate anyways. You’ll become disgusted to touch the cigarettes. That’s the most effective way, lol.

Edited by Red-White-Light

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Some people find religious practises helpful in the attempt to overcome addictive patterns. Like praying the rosary or praying a certain amount of time throughout the day. These things can be beacons of awareness planted throughout your day to increase your average daily awareness. However the obvious answer concerning fundamental and permanent change is to continuing to focus on killing yourself. Then when your dead there won't be a you who smokes lol

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