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Excessive positive emotions

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This is a tricky topic for me.  I noticed that my mood is often worsened when I lie to myself.  By observing this I lie to myself less and I become happier.  Sometimes people judge me because I'm happy, but I would have to lie to myself to pretend I'm upset because of it.

Some positive emotions, especially comedy are linked to lying.  It can lead to me acting like some beliefs are true because it is funny to say that.  This can lead people to becoming stuck in a perspective from which you are funny, but to others you are offensive, and it could bite you.

There may be other excessive positive emotions.  My questions are:

How can excessive positive emotions limit growth?  What happens to you when you let go of positive emotions?  What are some examples of excessive positive emotions?

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Positive emotion is not a problem at all unless it's veiling something or a front to avoid feeling its opposite. Usually we know when we act happy or joke to avoid a feeling, part of us feels cut off in that situation. Sometimes it can take a lot to become conscious enough to see if this is truly the case. It's not about how you act, or how you imagine that others "see" you, it's about giving up all those thoughts and concerns and paying attention to how you feel that you really become aware of your truth and aware of which of your actions are truly authentic and which are a front. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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7 hours ago, trenton said:

I noticed that my mood is often worsened when I lie to myself.  By observing this I lie to myself less and I become happier.

reading this reminded me of @Ibn Sinas discussion 

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