
Internal atmosphere to places

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My whole life ive always had a sense of an atmosphere a vibe to places i dont really know how to describe it sometimes these vibes can feel so profound and beautiful.You know the summer night with a clear sky vibe its like that but i feel that vibe sense in all places in my grandmothers house there that vibe feeling it doesn’t feel like a stary summer night but it feels the vibe sense is there but totally feeling the vibe of something and for my other grandmothers house there a totally different vibe /atmosphere that i get. Does anyone else live with this type of sense ? I would like to know a little more about what this is that ive been experiencing.

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@Nate0068 Yes, I get this a lot. It's pretty hard to describe but you put it well in words. Like, if I think back to a place right now, I just get this feeling in my heart that is associated with the sensation/vibe of that area, and each area seems to have a feeling totally unique to itself. It's different than just nostalgia, because you feel it even during your first experience of it. 


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@Osaid Yeah I really enjoy it like we both agreed there all unique there’s some pretty amazing vibes out there i guess you could say 

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@Nate0068 I always thought about this when I was younger. Like do other people really experience this as well? What if their feelings are different, or what if its the same for everyone? Who knows. It's such a hard thing to pinpoint.

There are some pretty nice vibes out there. I can often re-experience it to some degree through nostalgia, which is nice.

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i feel like my dreams all have this too,dreams are amazing there so vast in all the different plots they have you really can dig into infinity 

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6 hours ago, Nate0068 said:

My whole life ive always had a sense of an atmosphere a vibe to places i dont really know how to describe it sometimes these vibes can feel so profound and beautiful.You know the summer night with a clear sky vibe its like that but i feel that vibe sense in all places in my grandmothers house there that vibe feeling it doesn’t feel like a stary summer night but it feels the vibe sense is there but totally feeling the vibe of something and for my other grandmothers house there a totally different vibe /atmosphere that i get. Does anyone else live with this type of sense ? I would like to know a little more about what this is that ive been experiencing.

There's a whole science to this. It was applied in ancient temple and church architecture and design. A mixture of the socio-cultural context and subjective effects of certain geometries and materials were used to enhance or propel the people within the church/temple to meditative states of consciousness. Maybe this is your life purpose?

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@Nate0068 Yeah now that you mention it, I had a dream with a certain vibe recently that I thought to myself about. It has a sort of adventurous and scary feeling to it. 

Now that I think about it, it's pretty crazy how this feeling even spreads to dreams. Like why did my mind put that feeling there. But it's also true that every area in reality has this sort of atmosphere/feeling to it, so it makes sense to have it in dreams as well I guess.

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