
Differences Between 2 Meditations Techniques

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I wanted to ask about the differences between the "Do Nothing" technique and the one in which your only goal is to be aware (The one described in the "Meditation for beginners" video or the first technique introduced in the "How to meditate deeper" video) ?

1)Do we try to be aware of our thoughts in the “Do nothing” technique as well?

2)In the “Do nothing” technique, we are supposed to drop the intention of controlling our thoughts. But can we control our thoughts in the 2nd technique?

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Hi Mary, Cant exactly remember the videos but I try my best to answer your questions according to my generel knowledge about meditation.


1. you only are aware of a thought if it comes into consciousness and I think its intended in this meditation technique to let the thought go fast again without forcing, but by resting peacully with the moment in awareness so that the thought has no reason to stay and can pass naturally.

Sounds very abstract, so my suggestion is to let yourself be guided by your inner wisdom, its there and it knows what to do, so trust, let go and let it happen.

You can meassure the quality of your meditation by the peace you feel, the technique is not crucial part therefore, it is just a hint that shows you the direction to peace and true happiness.

But dont be discouraged if you cant feel peace the first time. It takes practice and persistence to discover peace and silence if your mind is not used to stillness and especially of your ego is strong. But its worth it because nothing is sweeter than the joy of true peace. Once you tasted it you will know.

Maybe you can find a teacher or a community to meditate with. That can boost the quality of your meditation rapidly.

2. I think you never control anything while meditation excepting your attention if your meditation is about observing a certain object or objects. And then its rather a gentle focussing than controlling. Controlling is ego based, which is the opposit of the nature of Meditation.

Good luck with it.



Edited by Light_Ray
further informatilon

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@Light_Ray Thanks, your answer cleared up the vagueness to some point:)

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They are very similar.

To me difference is this.

In "Do Nothing" you do not manipulate your experience and you are not even trying to be aware of experience. You are allowed (and you will) get totally lost in mind, sometimes for 100% of your meditation.

In "Meditation for Beginners" ("No Manipulation Meditation") you do not manipulate your experience too, but, when able, you become aware of current experience. However, don't force yourself to be 100% aware of your current experience all the time, because it is out of your control - whether you will get lost in mind or not. If you get lost in thoughts - it is ok. But when an ability to be aware of experience appears - be aware. If you will force yourself to be aware all the time, you will manipulate your experience, while doing "No manipulation" meditation.



Edited by Naviy

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On 23.6.2016 at 1:21 PM, Mary said:

I wanted to ask about the differences between the "Do Nothing" technique and the one in which your only goal is to be aware (The one described in the "Meditation for beginners" video or the first technique introduced in the "How to meditate deeper" video) ?

1)Do we try to be aware of our thoughts in the “Do nothing” technique as well?

2)In the “Do nothing” technique, we are supposed to drop the intention of controlling our thoughts. But can we control our thoughts in the 2nd technique?

Hey mary be honest i think leo in his new video is basicly giving a "do nothing LIGHT" version ...i don´t really see a lot of difference ... Also have to disagree with leo when it comes to beginners ...i think "not manipulating" / dropping all intentions is QUITE Advanced!!

It is WAAY easier for beginners to do techniques like "breathing awareness" or "SDS" ..both are actually not really meditations as papaji said, but they are "concentrations" ...Still very usefull since you will need that basic concentration and also beeing fundamentaly familiar with yourself and the situation of beeing with yourself for extended periods of time before doing "real meditation" 

I´m 6month in and i still practice the "concentration" practices regularly, and just now i feel i can really go on and meditate deeper, beeing able to not controll my thoughts, and possibly just be in the moment and drop everything :)

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On 24.06.2016 at 10:44 PM, Falk said:

 Also have to disagree with leo when it comes to beginners ...i think "not manipulating" / dropping all intentions is QUITE Advanced!!

He probably called that "Meditation for Beginners" to attract more new people to high quality meditation, and meditation is also necessary for people to understand videos nowadays - remember, Leo knows marketing :P

Also, read this, please. It's from Adyashanti:


True Meditation

True meditation has no direction or goal. It is pure wordless surrender, pure silent prayer. All methods aiming at achieving a certain state of mind are limited, impermanent, and conditioned. Fascination with states leads only to bondage and dependency. True meditation is abidance as primordial awareness.


True meditation appears in consciousness spontaneously when awareness is not being manipulated or controlled. When you first start to meditate, you notice that attention is often being held captive by focus on some object: on thoughts, bodily sensations, emotions, memories, sounds, etc. This is because the mind is conditioned to focus and contract upon objects. Then the mind compulsively interprets and tries to control what it is aware of (the object) in a mechanical and distorted way. It begins to draw conclusions and make assumptions according to past conditioning.


In true meditation all objects (thoughts, feelings, emotions, memories, etc.) are left to their natural functioning. This means that no effort should be made to focus on, manipulate, control, or suppress any object of awareness. In true meditation the emphasis is on being awareness; not on being aware of objects, but on resting as primordial awareness itself. Primordial awareness is the source in which all objects arise and subside.


As you gently relax into awareness, into listening, the mind’s compulsive contraction around objects will fade. Silence of being will come more clearly into consciousness as a welcoming to rest and abide. An attitude of open receptivity, free of any goal or anticipation, will facilitate the presence of silence and stillness to be revealed as your natural condition.


As you rest into stillness more profoundly, awareness becomes free of the mind’s compulsive control, contractions, and identifications. Awareness naturally returns to its non-state of absolute unmanifest potential, the silent abyss beyond all knowing.




Q. It seems that the central instruction in True Meditation is simply to abide as silent, still awareness. However, I often find that I am caught in my mind. Is it OK to use a more directed meditation like following my breath, so that I have something to focus on that will help me to not get lost in my mind?


A. It is perfectly OK to use a more directed technique such as following your breath, or using a simple mantra or centering prayer, if you find that it helps you to not get lost in thought. But always be inclined toward less and less technique. Make time during each meditation period to simply rest as silent, still awareness. True Meditation is progressively letting go of the meditator without getting lost in thought.


Q. What should I do if an old painful memory arises during meditation?


A. Simply allow it to arise without resisting it or indulging in analyzing, judging, or denying it.


Q. When I meditate I sometimes experience a lot of fear. Sometimes it overwhelms me and I don’t know what to do.


A. It is useful when experiencing fear in meditation to anchor your attention in something very grounding, such as your breath or even the bottoms of your feet. But don’t fight against the fear because this will only increase it. Imagine that you are the Buddha under the Bodhi tree, or Christ in the desert, remaining perfectly still and unmoved by the body-mind’s nightmare. It may feel very real but it is really nothing more than a convincing illusion.


Q. What should I do when I get an insight or sudden understanding of a situation during meditation?


A. Simply receive what is given with gratitude, without holding onto anything. Trust that it will still be there when you need it.


Q. I find that my mind is spontaneously forming images, almost like a waking dream. Some of them I like, while others are just random and annoying. What should I do?


A. Focus attention on your breathing down in your belly. This will help you to not get lost in the images of the mind. Hold the simple intention to rest in the imageless, silent source prior to all images, thoughts, and ideas.


© 2011 by Adyashanti. All rights reserved.


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This topic makes disappear some dubts I had, thank you all

One last question. do you consider counting your own breaths a meditation? or it is an exercise of concencentration.

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