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About Light_Ray

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  • Birthday 08/13/1991

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  1. Even if this was the case, it doesnt change The fact that your answer is not helpful because it doesnt respond to my question which is specifically referring to advaita Teachings And you Obviously dont. Don't respond pls. Except you want to let know everybody Even more that you are just grasping for attention,
  2. @mikeyy Today I was tensioned and restless in meditation and couldnt stay aware, too. In this case I notice that its best for me to focus on the feelings, emotions, unpleasant sensations in the body, so that they melt away and I become calm and then I can more easily be aware of pure consciousness. Maybe this helps you, too. I would be interested how you handled your obstacle of losing awareness and what helped yo. Good luck, peace
  3. @mikeyy intend to be aware, rest in awareness, be awareness, make awareness the purpose of your maditation, so that your awareness and peace level will continously and naturally increase while your thought and ego power decreases. If you cant be just aware, observe all perceptions that come like feeling or hearing while being aware of the perceiver with focus on awareness, but dont think too much about it, but trust your inner wisdom that it knows what to do and practice with continuity. Once you realize how joyful it is to rest in awareness, you are hooked to it. Good luck with it Peace
  4. Hi Mary, Cant exactly remember the videos but I try my best to answer your questions according to my generel knowledge about meditation. 1. you only are aware of a thought if it comes into consciousness and I think its intended in this meditation technique to let the thought go fast again without forcing, but by resting peacully with the moment in awareness so that the thought has no reason to stay and can pass naturally. Sounds very abstract, so my suggestion is to let yourself be guided by your inner wisdom, its there and it knows what to do, so trust, let go and let it happen. You can meassure the quality of your meditation by the peace you feel, the technique is not crucial part therefore, it is just a hint that shows you the direction to peace and true happiness. But dont be discouraged if you cant feel peace the first time. It takes practice and persistence to discover peace and silence if your mind is not used to stillness and especially of your ego is strong. But its worth it because nothing is sweeter than the joy of true peace. Once you tasted it you will know. Maybe you can find a teacher or a community to meditate with. That can boost the quality of your meditation rapidly. 2. I think you never control anything while meditation excepting your attention if your meditation is about observing a certain object or objects. And then its rather a gentle focussing than controlling. Controlling is ego based, which is the opposit of the nature of Meditation. Good luck with it. Peace
  5. @Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj @TSH Chris What kind of medtation did you practice or how do you meditate?
  6. To what teachings do you refer? All Advaita teachers I know say, that awareness is the only reality, everything else is an illusion, and that is what wants to be realized by conscious experience (not thought). Its not about experiencing it once or twice in certain moments like in sports but always and everywhere. This is what realization of truth is about. It actually doesnt seem to me as if you refer to non duality teachings, but rather something else.
  7. Hello there, Iam listening a lot to advaita teachers talking about non duality, which seems to be the path to truth for me. The meditation about discovering the true self always seems to be resting in awareness until you fully realize that this is all that exists. Now I wonder how you can practice non duality or advaita in daily life (if sou are not realized yet). I think I heard that ramana Maharshi told to be in the present state of awareness in daily life as often as possible, but sometimes you have to concentrate on something or you are too restless to feel the awareness or whatever, so how can you practice non duality in these cases? Furthermore I would like to read books about advaita teachings. Can you recommend some? What teachers do you resonate with? In addition I am looking for like minded people who are on the non dual path to connect with. Maybe there exists a live chat anout non dual teachings or something. Feel free to contact me. Thanks, I appreciate your answers.
  8. To change your beliefs and thoughts is working on the surface I think. The root of emotions is an experience in the past where you did not have the capacity to think yet. The beliefs and thoughts were made around the emotions later. So the root is the emotion, not the thought. If the root experience is revisited and integrated, thoughts will automatically change or are way easier to change.
  9. Hello there, at the moment I watch lots of videos of Teal Swan who emphasizes that you have to completely feel your emotions, fully allowing them with no resistance to integrate parts of yourself that you split off as a child. But this alone seems not to be enough for integration. She also has a video where she proclaims to go back into your past visiting the root cause of the specific emotion giving your inner child love and whatever unmet needs it has in order to integrate the emotion that you had split off. Her concept is that you suppressed all emotions as a child that your parents punished you for or did not accept. These emotions have to be reintegrated by allowing them and experiencing the cause of it again. Leo has a video about emotions where he says that it is enough to just observe your emotions. He also says in respond to a question that its most powerful to observe how and why the mind creates the emotion. How does this actually work to observe the mind creating a emotion? For me observation alone hardly creates that kind of relief that makes me feel as if I had integrated a "lost" feeling. What am I doing wrong if observation alone does not give relief? I mostly use deep breathing after I feel like I have observed enough which has a highly reliefing effect. Also I try to find the root cause of the feeling experienced in early childhood and give my inner child love or whatever it needs. But its difficult for me to get in contact with my inner child and be with it for longer. What I actually would like to know from you is, how do you integrate emotions? I think its not enough to just feel and observe. This feels like sumptom curing to me. You have to go deep to the core into your past when you splitted off the specific emotion I think. Leos approach is very spritual depnding on the no-self concept, but this brings no psychological healing as long as you are not enlightened still living with the Illusion of "I". Whats your experience with integration of suppressed emotions? Thanks for answering
  10. Hi there, Currently I am on a crucial point in my life, having to decide if at all and which education to choose. I am carrying this decision now in my mind for like three weeks making me depressive and weak. I feel inable to decide. In general I am hesitant in deciding things because I fear to choose wrong. Do you know any technique to make decisions easily and quick? For big and small decisions? Iam have also difficulties to feel my gut feelings because there is mostly tension and fear, you know. As Leo says in Video about the model of human knowledge, you can doubt everything and thats what I mostly do. I doubt everything, nothing can be said for sure. Thanks for answering
  11. Thanks for answering, Leo. My mind is very sure that my true self is pure love, but as a rational concept it does not bring me love. As having studied buddhist teachings a while I know that there is no "I" and that feelings and thoughts are just unpersonal phenomenas. Shall I question that? How do you question "various aspects of your beliefs about self and who you really believe you are"?
  12. Hi there, Leo is talking about self-inquiry meditation tought by Ramana Maharshi in his video "how to become enlightend", isn`t he? Where does he has this technique he is talking about from? I have read some instructions about self-inquiry like this one but I am still not sure how it shall work. There are some other Advaita-Vedanta teachers like Sri Nissagadata Maharaj or Mooji, which teach to just be present and become pure awareness by just being, observing and letting go. Nissagadata writes: Is self-inquiry nothing else than staying in IAM-consciousness? Is it this what is Leo talking about in his video about how to become enlightened? I on my own discovered three types of awareness: I can observe awareness itself or I can observe objects (like feelings, sounds etc.) or I can observe objects while being aware of observing. What type of awareness do you use while entering IAM presence? What do you focus on? What type of awareness do you use for self inquiry? How does self inquiry actually work? Leo says you ask yourself "who am I" and you try to dig deep. I guess that the desired result of asking "who am I" is to enter this state of pure being Nissagadata is talking about, isn´t it? In the instruction of self-inquiry it is said that you ask yourself "who am I" to destroy thoughts and remain in IAM consciousness. Actually the self-inquiry instruction of Ramana Maharshi seems to be a little different of what is Leo talking aboutin his "how to become enlightened" video. Can anyone bring light into this chaos? It`s very confusing to me. Thanks for your help
  13. Responsibility vs. Blame; the video about confidence and awareness. The videos about meditation and awareness I all liked especially the "meditaiton on steroids".