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Is pan-psychism different from infinite mind?

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People like Rupert sheldrake argue for pan-psychism, that everything possess conciousness including the sun and electrons. How is this different from what is discussed here? And what are the similarities? He even has a theory that there is a kind of universal memory among the same species. A bird in India will learn to hunt better if a bird in America learns the same skill. The skills are transferred between birds psychically because their consciousness is shared. 

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It's far off from awakening.

Focus on awakening, not scientific theories.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I have to disgree with Leo here.

The theory that everything has its own consciousness can have a huge role in awakening. I'm not familiar with Rupert Sheldrake, but if I understand you correctly, he's saying that everything is conscious and that consciousness is an interconnected phenomenon. It's kinda the same as saying that everything is an infinite mind.

Actually, it's a theory that you can test for yourself, but science will never accepted this method of testing because it doesn't have an external result, it results only in an internal realization.

The method is the following:

Let's start from the base statement and let's try to prove it: Everything is conscious and consciousness is interconnected.

So if this statement is true then you are conscious, your shoes are also conscious and there's a communicative connection between you and your shoes.

I think you can discover the connection with a few meditation sessions. (You don't even have to wear your shoes for this :D

If you're willing to do the experiment then come back to me after you meditated on this a few times.

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