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Elizabeth Warren has got good grasps over Economics

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Accroding to Vox, she understands complex economic dynamics quite well. She also had predicted the 2008 financial crisis back in 2005. If she becomes democratic nominee,  she is gonna center her campaign on  fighting political Corruption and how Donalp Trump is promoting that. 

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Her campaign has taken a turn for the worse over the last few months.

She backtracked off medicare for all, and her poll numbers tanked.

Next, she hired a bunch of Kamala and Hillary staffers, and now she is dabbling in identity politics.

She has lied about some things in the past (Native American heritage, being fired, etc.). Trump is going to hit her hard on these. Ain't no midwesternTrump supporter switching to Warren.

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@legendary i don't think warren is gonna win the nomination but her policies are worth enough to be heard. If Bernie wins the nomination, then Warren can be his potential running mate.  

Edited by Annoynymous

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Bernie+Yang would be a better bet.
Elizabeth Warren has outright ignores the prevalence of automation in job loss, and she'll do nothing to protect us from things like jobs getting automated out and outsourced, and will do nothing against AI and surveillance.

She's not incorrect about trade, but her lack of understanding and deflecting the question is quite troubling. People have to understand that much of the technology that we're using to automate out these jobs is sourced from US tech companies, not China. We're not seeing it in full force in every factor just yet, but it's happening on the backend as office jobs start to completely fade into irrelevance if there's no track for quick promotions and skillset acquisition.

And Yang's response:


Edited by Vladz0r

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Warren would be my #2 choice, yet she is nowhere near the level of Bernie in fighting corruption. . . Warren could probably get a couple bills past in which corporations and billionaires concede some profits. Billionaires can see the level of public unrest. It's in their own interest to throw working people some crumbs, so they can maintain their plutocracy. Warren is not going to fight to fundamentally change the system and deconstruct the plutocracy like Bernie would. Warren has a corporate super-pac for goodness sake. . . Yet she is much much better than Trump or Bloomberg and moderately better than any democratic candidate not named Bernie. 

I doubt Bernie will choose Warren as his VP. Bernie's entire life has been dedicated to fighting corruption and plutocracy, fighting for workers rights, decent wages and equality. He is not a normal politician, he is a once in a generation politician.  His highest priority is to pick someone that is a leader in the movement. Someone like AOC (if she was old enough). Warren isn't within the movement. 

@Vladz0r I would think for Yang to have a chance at VP he would need to endorse Bernie soon and become part of the movement. 

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