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Does Consciousness Influence Quantum Mechanics?

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Sorry if this has been already discussed, but one of my favorite channels posted this and I think it might be interesting to discuss.
The video seems to give very good reasons on why consciousness doesn't influence reality.

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Really need to awaken first then quantum mechanics all fits into place.  Not the other way around..   Can't reach it through science.  I know this has been stated dozens of times on the forum but its true.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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7 hours ago, Mafortu said:

The video seems to give very good reasons on why consciousness doesn't influence reality.

But he didn't give any reasons for that argument. He just said plain "No" every time he mentioned any argument for mind influencing quantum mechanics. Then he said he will talk about other interpretations in different video. 

He criticised people that side with mind interpretation arguments for quantum mechanics that they jump too quickly into conclusions but he himself does that when he dismisses them. It's the typical approach of scientifically  minded people to anything related to mysticism. 

To me it seems obvious that consciousness influences quantum mechanics since there is nothing but consciousness. But people just believe consciousness is created in the brain that exists in an objective world. And it's hard to argue againts objective world  since it seems like there is one. 

But as always every argument for anything is manmade and doesn't reflect the truth fully and existence just does its own thing while being mystical as it always does. 

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