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Book Megathread for the effective use of psychedelics

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Leo has several books on his booklist for psychedelic use, but it is no where near comprehensive enough.

What are books, videos, resources, classes, online courses, mentors, or anything you have used to effectively use psychedelics?

How linked is the capability to contemplate related to making a psychedelic trip more effective?

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Doing Kriya Yoga has been by far the most helpful practice I can do every day, in preparation for a a trip. Helps me reduce monkey mind and keep the "flame" alive and slowly but surely increase my conscious state. Besides some of the books in Leos book-list here are some I have found useful:

  • Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender by David R. Hawkins.

It has help me learn how to let go of things, thoughts, emotions, everything, -specially during psychedelic trips.- I felt drawn to read the book after an awakening I had during one trip.

  • The Miracle Of Mindfulness: by Thich Nhat Hanh

It has helped me improve meditation and how to be more aware/conscious regardless of what I am doing, not only when I sit on the cushion. This practice then becomes of great importance to remain calmed and very aware during a trip.

  • Yin Yoga

Learning how to do Yin Yoga, which a slow-paced style of yoga and works more on the level of the articulations. I find it great to contemplate/meditate, since I suffer from low-back problems and I cannot stay seated for longer periods of time. There are lots of great videos on the Internet, I also like this book: The Complete Guide to Yin Yoga by Bernie Clark.

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"The Psychedelic Experience" by Timothy Leary, Ralph Metzner & Richard Alpert

It is a manual on how to use LSD. I used it quite a lot when I started using solo and had some great experiences.

But honestly I think there is nothing that can really help you at least when you reach a certain point.

Just do nothing and the experiences will teach you everything you need to know.

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