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Language Insights

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Just a couple of interesting insights i got regarding my native language that I want to share with you guys.

In our language the word "све" (sve) is translated to the world "all" in English.
Found it quite interesting when I noticed how this word is the core of other words, and how this plays out.

све (sve) -------------------------------- all
свет - све-т (svet) ------------------- world
свето - све-то (sveto)  --------------holy
сведоk - све-доk (svedok)  --------witness
светло - све-тло (svetlo)  ----------light
тло (tlo) = ground/base > svetlo = light = ground of the all, base of the all.

This also linked up to some English language insights for eg.

light - used in - light as low weight, and as "light from a candle"

-when does one become enlightened, or follows the path of the light, one becomes lighter. (got this from long ago, I assume almost everybody around here got this as well)

-holy = wholey

Maybe I am stretching it too far, but does a thread in this spirit have potential for a mega-thread @Leo Gura

Edited by Yog

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@Yog Interesting insights. Your native language must of been built upon spirituality probably. Only the wise can interconnect these minute insights. Also my main insights about the word Enlightenment itself is this: once you go throught Enlightenment experiences it Lightens the self, like as if you are carrying such a burden from your ego that once you know the Truth your burden drops and you become very LIGHT internally, mentally, psychologically. If it's not enlightening (if this insight does not make you internally/mentally lighter) it's not Enlightenment. Enlightenment itself lifts you up so much!


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