
Is this a good NLP frame?

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In neuro linguistic programming, there’s something called framing which can be defined as “A frame is the word we use to define or describe the boundaries around an experience or an event. It's another way in which we filter our perceptions of our world based using our mental template or our internal representations. This is usually outside of our conscious awareness, like other filters that operate. Yet it creates automatic ways of thinking about things.”


I was just curious whether a good or beneficial  frame at the start of some creative work like a music, a speech, a lecture, or a video would be “you’re still not going to understand this”?


this would be one of potentially multiple frames, as the original frame would be the title of the work, but then as the work is started it’s then reframed with a phrase such like the one I stated above?

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You mean like, click bait or a hook? or used to spark interest? 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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7 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

You mean like, click bait or a hook? or used to spark interest? 

Not necessarily either, but the content’s going to be put out with the intention of others learning from it.

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Well, I have to admit to not be well grounded in this type of thought, and I am not exactly sure what you are doing or what you are asking.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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