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The Don

Here's Why Biological Reproduction Matters

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I've watched @Leo Gura's video about reproduction, particularly human reproduction.

I thought about his ideas for a while and I came to the conclusion that biological reproduction matters and it's indispensable if we want humanity to continue and have a prosperous future.

If you don't consider biological reproduction to be the foundation of humanity, you lack wisdom in some sense (not trying to put anyone down here) because all the goods you use today: infrastructure, technology, medical care and so forth, are made by humans.

At this moment, in the Western World, people don't have enough kids; not even to replace themselves. In fact, that's true all over the world with the exception of Africa and Israel.

The infrastructure we have today requires human labor to be maintained. The future of technology requires scientists in order for the progress to continue and if we don't have enough kids, nobody will advance our technological progress.

We take everything for granted in the sense that we believe that "we're too many on this planet" and a population implosion would be good for all of us. That's false. In fact, I used to belive the same thing until I started to do some research about the latest statistics on birth rates and what humanity is doing in terms of biological reproduction. When I finally understood what happened, I was kind of shocked.

There's nothing wrong with having a family and 3-4 kids. Remember the age of the Baby-Boomers. Since then, humanity took rampant progress in every aspect of life.

Biological reproduction is good for all of us.

There is a book on Amazon which is called Empty Planet: The Shock of Global Population Decline.

A catastrophe is coming.

Don't buy into the idea that we're gonna be too many. People just don't have enough kids and we have to do something about it.

Edited by The Don
To add a few lines.

Me on the road less traveled.

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@The Don

Totally appreciate your insights and sharing... Think Leo might have been saying that not everyone should feel the pressure to have children.  That is ok to not have children and make your impact in other ways.  There are other ways to "have children" in the world.  We can spread our DNA or our thoughts our ideals and they are like children or DNA and make an impact.  There are plenty of people who have children because of social pressure or a blind belief that it is what needs to happen.  Arguably no one wins from this position.

Last couple books i was reading Steven Pinker Enlightenment Now and Hans Roslings Factfulness - both highlight what you are saying.. I believe we are targeted for 11 billion on the plateau... With increased education, reduction in poverty, access to resources family size reduction.. 

If your model of progress is exponential and continuous growth then maybe there is a worry about a tapering population.  But, if a person is interested in long term viability of the planet and human participation through continued existence than maybe ideas like carrying capacity and quality of life deserve more attention that higher production numbers. 

Each to his own.  One thing is for sure, nice to read about how living standards around the globe, health, access to resources are continually improving.. right?

cheers.. journey strong.. 


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