
Recipe: How to research on Youtube (and other Websites)

3 posts in this topic

Hello, my brave fellow carpetbagger. I present you stage yellow crack, not kidding.

You certainly know Youtube. You know that it has Algoryhtms that determine which videos you get. This can be a advantage or a disadvantage, mostly a disadvantage. It keeps people stuck in a bubble. And lastly you know VPN Clients. I give you the recipe to use VPNs for research.

But 'Why would I want to do that?' you may ask. I plea you to find the answer for yourself;)


You need a VPN and a group you want to research. For example Christians in the rural parts of US and we search on Youtube.

1. Make a connection with a server in the US
2. Go in with a blank browser with no cookies or other history or Ad-Blocker (you want to see the ads!)
3. Go to youtube and type in a phrase that is typical for your group. For our example with the formula US-State + Christian activity -> North-Dakota Curch Choir
4. Look at the results. You want people that speak their mind as little youtubers (<50.000 subs) or Celebrity of the target group that speak on an event. If you find nothing, then return to 3.

5. Watch some Videos, makes notes, whatever. Click like crazy.

6. Go to the Home side of youtube an see what video are presented to you - TADA!

7. You can use whatever other Website you want - but attention! As soon as you are out your 'persona' is gone (of course!).

Have fun ;)

Edited by supremeyingyang

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I like using brave browser and duck duck go search engine. My brave has tor build into it as well. Granted it is inconvenient to use tor on most sites because it will usually trigger puzzle to prove you are human lol. But I do use it on occasion. 

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Yeah, that's puzzle thing is not cool. But hey, I'm really good at it now. Training;)

How good is that brave browser?  BTW I use Firefox plus an external VPN Program.

I would like to have secure as standart, not as special like it is now: 'why would he like to be so anonymous? what kind of shady business is he doing?' But lets be real: It's also a key technology for revolutionaries, protesters and criminals. But that is a tiny fraction, well, we'll see how that plays out.


Sidenote: 1. Do you use Whatsapp? I'm thinking about switching to Signal / Threema, but I would have to make a pitch to everyone at work, in my family and in my social circle. Eeeeeh..! That is the problem with 'social networks'! If many are there it's a disadvantage not to be there. And many think like that, so nothing happens. And what if 'my' secure messenger will not be popular? 2. Do you know that there is a alternative to Android / IOS with a pure Linux Phone ? That's right, you can use it like a normal computer with bluetooth mouse, keyboard and Screen. The only problem is the price of the hardware (like 650$ or 700€). I think in some years we'll have normal OS' on our mobile, but right now it's not yet here... I would really like linux on blackberry-like hardware with a physical keyboard;) 3. The real secure phone (by Edward Snowden) : You take a normal new smartphone (Android, IOS or whatever). You open it and take all Cameras and Microphons out. If you want to take or make a call, you use a headset. A little bit extreme though and you need some skills to play with a 700$+ device;D Idk what is with location tracking issues and if you can take out a unit like a microphone.. This'll be a propblem a long as we need real mobile number for mobile internet..

Edited by supremeyingyang

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