
Are Babies Enlightened?

22 posts in this topic

I actually remember parts of the day that i was born. I remember that everything had a dim yellowish tint and the sky looked gloomy as i was being carried out of the hospital. It may have just been the tint overlay that i was experiencing, idk. I remember having  thoughts that weren't in english but still discernible and also feelings. I had the feeling of ease and weightlessness and thoughts along the lines of "Let's do this again" like it was all to familiar. I do not remember the next day. Babies are enlightened but quickly forget it. 

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So if enlightenment is binary, you are either in or out, how do babies slowly go out then? If babies go out, then can enlightened adults also go out (ego comes back or new ego comes) ?

I was very happy when I was a child. I remember clearly. I had an immerse trust in existence. I was scared of death, but deep inside I was not. I was ready to die anytime. I was complete.

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