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Is Epistomology A Useful Tool?

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I came across these 'Street Epistemology' videos that i found quite interesting (ive attached on below), its really interesting how ingrained beliefs are in people to the point where they come across as irrational. I also find it scary and frustrating because the fact that people can be so brainwashed obviously has led to or played a part in probably all major large scale tragedies in human history. But what do you think the limitations of Epistemology are? Can it be used to look at the non-dual perspective?



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Leo actually has a bunch of videos on epistemology, it's one of his favourite subjects. It's a very useful tool for awakening and grasping non-duality


“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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5 hours ago, Apparition of Jack said:

Leo actually has a bunch of videos on epistemology, it's one of his favourite subjects. It's a very useful tool for awakening and grasping non-duality


Nice, I'll give the video a watch, I probably watched it before but I don't think it hit me as hard as seeing it in action in the street epistemology vid 

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Ignorance: To not know that you don't know. The deeper you go the more you realize how much exactly you don't know, it's scary. In fact you don't know anything at all, to know anything about reality is completely useless. (Besides of course the address of your grocery shop.)

In spiritual practice epistemic principles are as basic as walking. Without it you won't get far in the best case, and in the worst case you will become ideological.

Consuming ideas without an epistemic foundation is like opening the medicine cabinet and eating a bunch of pills without reading the labels.

Epistemology alone isn't enough, you need to also ground it in direct experience.


Edited by Anton Rogachevski

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