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Nak Khid

So you want to meditate for 5 years on a Mountaintop?

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So you want to meditate for 5 years on a Mountaintop?

I hear this come up a lot. The idea of mediating on a mountaintop.

There would be no distractions right?

But consider, the logistics if one were to actually try to do this.  First of all you have to have the right mountaintop and most would have challenging conditions to consider.  You could easily die form weather conditions or lack of food.   Depending on where you were you might have to spend a lot of time of survival.

Maybe there is a monastery not too far away, maybe there is not.

Maybe you have stocked up on yearly supplies of canned or grain or other food rations
or maybe not you are in a place where there is a garden or enough food to eat in the forest.
Maybe there are cold temperature conditions or other climate conditions to contend with,  weather, wild animals
Suppose you break your ankle in a remote location.   Do you have a cell phone for emergencies or did you decide that was cheating so you diidn't?

There are many variables


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Forget the mountaintop- sit on your ass and do the work and that will become your mountaintop.

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