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Motivation Problem

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I've got too little motivation to motivate myself for different stuff in life, for example with continuing the life purpose course.

About half a year ago I was able to get pretty far with the course but then some kind of ego backlash happened, I was too perfectionistic because the topics got "too deep" for me and suddenly I stopped continuing the course.

This is probably common issue but I'd like know how can get this motivation problem solved.

As I've seen in my life so far, I can be at my best when I have time pressure. It's crazy what I can achieve in the last few let's say "minutes".

About two weeks ago I began with the course again because I'm very unhappy with the work I'm doing, mainly because our department is out of work and I was told that it won't be any better in the near future. Furthermore I'm not getting paid enough in my opinion. I could do similar work at another company with more money but the work itself does not fulfill me anymore.

I know that at the beginning of march there is a registration deadline for a school I might go to for a year or two. This means that a few weeks before the deadline I'll work through the life purpose course really hard because I "need" to know until then what I'll do the next few years, just because of time pressure.

It's stupid and I'm asking myself why I can't be motivated without time pressure.

Edited by luqqzr

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