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Anyone Looking For Redisency For Zen Buddhism

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This is a monastery I found out in Japan which has the most intensive zazen practice I have seen so far with about 2000 hours of sitting mediation a year. It is run on a donation basis. For anyone looking to pursue satori (enlightenment) seriously check it out. It is one of the only monasteries that accepts foreigners in Japan.

Also, would love to know your guys opinions on it :)

Edited by Huz88

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23 minutes ago, Huz88 said:

This is a monastery I found out in Japan which has the most intensive zazen practice I have seen so far with about 2000 hours of sitting mediation a year. It is run on a donation basis. For anyone looking to pursue satori (enlightenment) seriously check it out. It is one of the only monasteries that accepts foreigners in Japan.

Also, would love to know your guys opinions on it :)

meditation wont make you enlightened.  There are millions upon millions of people practicing meditation in the world but it is a rare few that actually become self realized, and some of them do no meditation at all, a self realized being has no practice, the term spiritual or practice doesn't exist for a self realized being.  So why is there so much emphasis put on a practice that only provide relaxation for most.  The experience of self realization can happen without meditation.  Why spend a lifetime working at practices and methods only to drop them all, after self realization occurs?  Has human beings been programed and trained to perform in a way that may hinder their own awakening?  Was religion an accident or was it a means to control the masses, was newageism an accident or a means of controlling the masses when they tire of religion?  Programing and belief is preventing most from awakening, neither can exist in a self realized state of being.

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1 hour ago, charlie2dogs said:

meditation wont make you enlightened.  There are millions upon millions of people practicing meditation in the world but it is a rare few that actually become self realized, and some of them do no meditation at all, a self realized being has no practice, the term spiritual or practice doesn't exist for a self realized being.  So why is there so much emphasis put on a practice that only provide relaxation for most.  The experience of self realization can happen without meditation.  Why spend a lifetime working at practices and methods only to drop them all, after self realization occurs?  Has human beings been programed and trained to perform in a way that may hinder their own awakening?  Was religion an accident or was it a means to control the masses, was newageism an accident or a means of controlling the masses when they tire of religion?  Programing and belief is preventing most from awakening, neither can exist in a self realized state of being.

What is your solution?  How do you suggest someone disidentify from their ego outside of meditation? 

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Ive seen it! Looks like a nice place. They demands that you can speak a little japanese though if I'm right? :) 

Just a little warning: 2000/hours of meditation/year is only about 5,5 hours per day and the rest of the day (11 hours maybe?)  you will be a little bitch to a Zen master. A funny thing about Zen monks is that the rest of the hours they develop equanimity to the harsh work/abuse.

I would like to try out Japanese Zen but I'm not brave enough for it so I'll just stay here. I'm suprised by your bravery actually. 

AND JUST DON'T FUCKING FORGET THAT THE FINGER POINTING AT THE MOON IS NOT THE MOON!!!! That's a common mistake people do when they get into Zen.

Edited by Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj


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@charlie2dogs Zen practice emphasis its practising on satori. Which is realising your true nature. Its a form of buddhism which is near of completely based on the buddha teaching of realising the true nature of self and to purge suffering. Their daily way of living is based around zazen which is regarded as a means of insight into the nature of existence. I am pretty sure the millons of people that are practicing mediation aren't devoting an intensive amount of time to the practice. Their experience of life (especially in the western world) perseveres the ego, making it harder to transend. I believe in order to become enlightened you basically have to give up all temptations in life and go for it fully. The reason why the millions find it hard to realise the nature of self is because they have too many distractions. For me it would be difficult to fully live under self realisation in the UK because my ego and my lifestyle here is not suited for practising 5 hours a day. Where as Antaji they do periods of 4am-9am, 10am-3pm, 4pm-9pm of sesshin (Strong determination sitting/enquiry at the end of every hour they do 10mins zazen walking) for 5 days straight.

Edited by Huz88

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@Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj Yeah, i think thats cool. I can't speak any but going to study Japanese for a year then apply. At they end you would probably come out speaking near fluent Japanese.

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1 hour ago, Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj said:

Ive seen it! Looks like a nice place. They demands that you can speak a little japanese though if I'm right? :) 

Just a little warning: 2000/hours of meditation/year is only about 5,5 hours per day and the rest of the day (11 hours maybe?)  you will be a little bitch to a Zen master. A funny thing about Zen monks is that the rest of the hours they develop equanimity to the harsh work/abuse.

I would like to try out Japanese Zen but I'm not brave enough for it so I'll just stay here. I'm suprised by your bravery actually. 

AND JUST DON'T FUCKING FORGET THAT THE FINGER POINTING AT THE MOON IS NOT THE MOON!!!! That's a common mistake people do when they get into Zen.

Do you mean that when people get into zen they are expecting the practice to benefit them. i.e. they use the map of zen thinking they will become self-realized.

Edited by Huz88

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36 minutes ago, Huz88 said:

@charlie2dogs Zen practice emphasis its practising on satori. Which is realising your true nature. Its a form of buddhism which is near of completely based on the buddha teaching of realising the true nature of self and to purge suffering. Their daily way of living is based around zazen which is regarded as a means of insight into the nature of existence. I am pretty sure the millons of people that are practicing mediation aren't devoting an intensive amount of time to the practice. Their experience of life (especially in the western world) perseveres the ego, making it harder to transend. I believe in order to become enlightened you basically have to give up all temptations in life and go for it fully. The reason why the millions find it hard to realise the nature of self is because they have too many distractions. For me it would be difficult to fully live under self realisation in the UK because my ego and my lifestyle here is not suited for practising 5 hours a day. Where as Antaji they do periods of 4am-9am, 10am-3pm, 4pm-9pm of sesshin (Strong determination sitting/enquiry at the end of every hour they do 10mins zazen walking) for 5 days straight.

I know you mean well, and so do i, it seems you have a lot of limiting thoughts in this, most of them will be holding you back a long time.  Being self realized has nothing to do with where you live, has nothing to do with how long you meditate, or how much time you give to a practice, spiritual or not, and it is surely not about giving up anything.  just some things for you to consider.

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1 hour ago, step1 said:

What is your solution?  How do you suggest someone disidentify from their ego outside of meditation? 

the one thing i know is that, there is only one way to be self realized, yes i know you have heard there is a million ways, a million paths, did you ever consider that it may not be true.

To become self realized means that you are no longer a human identity.  The core of your being is a creative, life giving, source of power, from which all material creation arises.  To be self realized you are that and function from that.  All the thoughts and rules that have been applied to this by those without the experience are very limiting, and frankly worthless.

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1 hour ago, charlie2dogs said:

the one thing i know is that, there is only one way to be self realized, yes i know you have heard there is a million ways, a million paths, did you ever consider that it may not be true.

To become self realized means that you are no longer a human identity.  The core of your being is a creative, life giving, source of power, from which all material creation arises.  To be self realized you are that and function from that.  All the thoughts and rules that have been applied to this by those without the experience are very limiting, and frankly worthless.

Can you elaborate on this?  You didn't say how to become self realized..  Are you implying physical death?

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5 hours ago, Huz88 said:

Do you mean that when people get into zen they are expecting the practice to benefit them. i.e. they use the map of zen thinking they will become self-realized.

Yes! Everyone mistakes the map for the territory even in spirituallity.


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@Sri McDonald Trump MaharajIt's so sneaky. I defiantly realise that I have created a map for enlightenment. My scientific mind likes to rationalise. I just feel that to deepen my practice and discipline myself I need to go to a zen school. At the moment I feel lost delving into spirituality without guidance. This is soto zen which isn't as militaryesc then rinzai zen which really abuse the students.

You have any advise for not mistaking the map! 

Edited by Huz88

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5 hours ago, step1 said:

Can you elaborate on this?  You didn't say how to become self realized..  Are you implying physical death?

I told you how to become self realized, ( To become self realized means that you are no longer a human identity.  The core of your being is a creative, life giving, source of power, from which all material creation arises.  To be self realized you are that and function from that.)  As far as telling you how to make that transition, the only answer i can give you is this.  Spend as much time in a state of oneness experiencing the core of your being as you can,  take time to contemplate the core of your being, if the desire is there to reach your highest potential something will happen. You may actually begin to feel something within yourself pushing you into a greater awakening, Other things you can do is begin to drop your belief system, look at the programing you have received and the effects it has had on your life, examine your desires, to see what they may produce, will you be happy after getting them, will it allow you to live in a liberated state of being, experiencing peace, joy and love in your daily life.  These last things are not necessary but, they will give you things to contemplate on,  that will aid in your awakening and help prevent boredom. and give you an opportunity to see your own growth. The transition from the identity to the self is one you will do alone, and desire will be your biggest asset.  This is as close as i can get to telling you how.

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